VBA,, C#, Java
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- Today, 09:30
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- Mar 7, 2011
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Good Morning Everyone,
I am looking for some opinions on the fastest way to locate text within a text field and assign a value if specific text is matched.
So here is the scenario:
Lets say you need to locate the word WPV, NVM, and WKZ in everyrecord between a certain date and time.
So what I currently do is setup an array as a reference table with the ID for each of those words and have it go through each record checking for those letters. If it finds one then it saves the ID of that word to the current record.
So if the reference array looks like this:
And it was looking at the following data:
1/21/2013 - 001WPV49085 <---- This would save the ID of 1 into a field in that record
1/21/2013 - 002NVM30948 <---- This would be 2.
1/21/2013 - 00304WKZ987 <---- This would be 3.
I currently have written a function to do this but my problem is I don't have to much processing power so it takes a long time maxing out one of the cores during the whole process.
Here is my written function:
My question after all that is there a faster better way of doing this type of operation than what I am already currently doing? It runs through about 50-60K of records every day.
Thanks for the help.
I am looking for some opinions on the fastest way to locate text within a text field and assign a value if specific text is matched.
So here is the scenario:
Lets say you need to locate the word WPV, NVM, and WKZ in everyrecord between a certain date and time.
So what I currently do is setup an array as a reference table with the ID for each of those words and have it go through each record checking for those letters. If it finds one then it saves the ID of that word to the current record.
So if the reference array looks like this:
And it was looking at the following data:
1/21/2013 - 001WPV49085 <---- This would save the ID of 1 into a field in that record
1/21/2013 - 002NVM30948 <---- This would be 2.
1/21/2013 - 00304WKZ987 <---- This would be 3.
I currently have written a function to do this but my problem is I don't have to much processing power so it takes a long time maxing out one of the cores during the whole process.
Here is my written function:
Function ExtractProjects()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
Dim db As Database, rs As DAO.Recordset, rs2 As DAO.Recordset, var() As Variant, i As Long
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Select [ID], [SDSK] from [Project Name Ref] WHERE((([SDSK]) Is Not Null))", dbOpenSnapshot)
ReDim var(rs.RecordCount, 2)
i = 0
Do While rs.EOF = False
var(i, 0) = rs("SDSK")
var(i, 1) = rs("ID")
i = i + 1
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from [(SDSK) Charges Master] WHERE((([IBB Date]) Between #" & GetChargesStart & "# AND #" & GetChargesEnd & "#) AND (([Charge Num]) Is Not Null))", dbOpenSnapshot)
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from [(SDSK) Charges Master] WHERE [IBB Date] Between #" & GetChargesStart & "# AND #" & GetChargesEnd & "#", dbOpenDynaset)
ii = rs.RecordCount
Do While rs.EOF = False
StatusLabel "Find Project Reference for ST and OT Charges. On Record:" & rs.AbsolutePosition & " - " & ii
For i = LBound(var) To UBound(var)
If InStr(1, rs("Charge Num"), var(i, 0)) > 0 Then
rs2.FindFirst "[ID] = " & rs("ID")
If rs2.NoMatch = False Then
With rs2
![PID] = var(i, 1)
End With
End If
' With rs2
' .Edit
' ![PID] = var(i, 1)
' .Update
' End With
Exit For
End If
Next i
StatusLabel "Completed!"
Set rs = Nothing
Set rs2 = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Function
If Err.Number = 3052 Then
StatusLabel "Clearing Buffer..."
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set rs2 = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Function
My question after all that is there a faster better way of doing this type of operation than what I am already currently doing? It runs through about 50-60K of records every day.
Thanks for the help.