Best / Worst Advice

Don't post in 10y old threads!

?? The only post I see is yours, here and on another 10 year old thread. Did somebody post and get deleted?
Hi Paul,
I was reading the best/worst jokes thread. The "similar threads" suggestions contained (amongst others) links to;-

the best/worst president

the best/worst advice.

So I resurrected both threads!

I was anticipating a comment on the lines of why am I posting in an old thread and preempting that added a cryptic note to this one ..
In south Louisiana, the only yellow snow we are likely to see would be a sno-ball (some folks call them sno-cones) with either lemon flavor or pineapple flavor. I certainly WOULD eat that kind of yellow snow. Though the "wild strawberry" (pink) would be just as good.

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