Biden Still Selling Islamophobia

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 21:30
Jul 5, 2006
Antisemitism is sweeping across the country and Biden continues to push Obama's projection of systemic Islamophobia. Not only that, but Biden ran on a (false) platform that White supremacists were the ones spreading hate. That has now been disproven since we have left wing fanatics actually claiming that Jews need to be expunged so that Palestine can be free. Biden refuses to call-out their hatred and refuses to unleash federal law enforcement to uphold the civil rights of Jews. Had there been a KKK rally, Biden would have been livid and would have immediately unleashed federal police power to arrest everyone involved. The KKK rally would have lasted minutes. Compare that to the fact that the left wing fanatics are still holding our after days of destructive behavior and hate-filled speech.

Biden is completely political. Extensive law federal law enforcement efforts are being used to persecute conservatives (one of them being Trump) while those on the left, who are rioting, destroying property, and denying Jews their civil rights are essentially being given a free pass. One set of rules for those on the left and another for those who are conservative.

PS: Will the students convicted for their illegal actions in the rioting still have their student loans "cancelled"?
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PS: Will the students convicted for their illegal actions in the rioting still have their student loans "cancelled"?
So Soros supported students will be prosecuted by Soros supported district attorneys :D
Evidently the Biden Obama administration will pursue and Islamophobia claim while it ignores blatant antisemitism currently sweeping this country.
The US government has opened an investigation into Emory University’s alleged discrimination against students with Palestinian, Muslim or Arab ancestry since 7 October, the Guardian has exclusively learned.

The case below does not involve antisemitism, but does serve as a relevant example of the Biden administration perverting the law to favor select groups (for self serving political gain), such as Black and Muslims, in violation of equal rights. Notice that the Biden administration, in response to today's exploding antisemitism, has made no overt attempt to use law enforcement to protect Jewish students. Had this been a KKK rally attacking Blacks, the Biden administration would have responded immediately with maximum force to arrest every member of the KKK. Yet Biden refuses to use federal civil rights power protect Jewish students.
I remember someone, probably Moke, on here a year or two ago suggesting the Soros was the bogeyman for the right, and it was all just made up.
But proof after proof comes out that it's NOT made up, he really IS the bogeyman. He really does support the rogue DA movement, and supports the organizations behind this current nonsense. It's not made up, it's true. They'll always cry "disinformation" (or "misinformation", depending on the person they tend to prefer one word or the other) at the time it's happening - and then get real quiet later when the proof comes out. I believe that's what they call 'gaslighting' 💡💡💡
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I remember someone, probably Moke, on here a year or two ago suggesting the Soros was the bogeyman for the right, and it was all just made up.
But proof after proof comes out that it's NOT made up, he really IS the bogeyman. He really does support the rogue DA movement, and supports the organizations behind this current nonsense. It's not made up, it's true. They'll always cry "disinformation" (or "misinformation", depending on the person they tend to prefer one word or the other) at the time it's happening - and then get real quiet later when the proof comes out. I believe that's what they call 'gaslighting' :LOL:
Resurrecting a four year old thread with then speculation: Is George Soros a Puppet Master? Seems that time has confirmed that Soros is a Puppet Master.
The rioting/looting/protesting that has been occurring, has apparently re-surfaced the accusations that George Soros has been funding the election of prosecutors, who aren't neutral prosecutors, but are "left wing" political hacks "protecting" those inciting civil disobedience (either legally or illegally). Assuming that Soros is playing hidden puppet master, this far exceeds the significance of any claims by the Democratic Party of so-called Russian interference into the US political process. This is blatant manipulation.
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