Billing database

Khalil Islamzada

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:20
Jul 16, 2012
Dear All;

I am developing an access based database for a water utility. everything is going fine with my database except two issues which I am sure you can help me.

For billing of customers I need that the last figure of its meter appears automatically when I enter the new figure.
also if there is any due from customer it appears in his bill automatically too.

I would be happy if you take your times and help me dears.

you mean you need the last meter reading before the current one?

Without knowing where you want this - in a query, form or report, what your table and fields are like (type and names) etc, I'll assume a query. You will need something like

FROM tblReadings AS C, (SELECT meterno, max(reading) as LastReading FROM tblReadings GROUP BY Meterno) AS L ON C.meterno=L.meterno
Many Thanks CJ for your reply,

I have only one table which contain billing info, because i don't want a person to record readings, we want to get meter reading info from billing, so the last number of meter and current is in one table called subtable, please also tell me where should i write this code.

thanks again:p:p:p:p

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