Blog Ideas

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:56
Jul 9, 2003
I found this article about "dynamic programming" which is very interesting. I haven't seen this subject explained in MS Access before. So there you have it a good idea for a Blog which will be of interest.

One of the problems in writing blogs for MS Access is that Access has been around for so long that you can be pretty sure someone has already blogged on the topic you're thinking of.

If you're not careful, your hard work can come over as plagiarism!

This worried me for a long time, until I realised that most things have been done before, it's not the subject or the blog idea that is subject to plagiarism, it's the way you present it, the wording that's important. If you speak with your own voice then it's not plagiarism, that's the difference!
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One of the problems in writing blogs for MS Access is that it's been around for so long that you can be pretty sure someone has already done the blog you're thinking of doing.
Spot. On.

Even IF I could muster up the effort to do what you and others have done (websites, BLOGs, etc.), I could never be creative enough to come up with something new...OR...take an old idea and present it in a way that someone would find interesting.

So, I let you all do the heavy lifting, take the fruit of your labors and apply it to whatever I am doing at the moment and when others heap praise upon me, I simply say "Google is my friend" and they mistake my honesty for modesty. Not a bad racket and I cant thank you guys and gals enough!
This Thread :-

points to a Common mistake that beginners make in calling event handlers of controls directly, when they should really refactor out the code into a separate routine. It would make a good blog methinks!
I found this article about "dynamic programming" which is very interesting. I haven't seen this subject explained in MS Access before.
this code can be written in one line

Filter = "Years = " & Years
Filter = Filter & " and Grade Desc = '" & GradeDesc & "'"
Filter = Filter & " and TERM ='" & TERM & "'"
Filter = Filter & " and Examination Type = '" & Examination Type & "'"
'MsgBox Filter
DoCmd.OpenReport "REPORT FORMS", acViewReport, , Filter

but what is more important is VISIBILITY and A FEW EXTRA LINES

I see the meaning of convenient and visual code in this, this is one of the theses of dynamic programming
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I try not to use service words as variables, so I would write
dim f1 as string
f1 = "[Years] = " & me.f_Years
F1 = F1 & " and [Grade Desc] = '" & me.f_GradeDesc & "'"
F1 = F1 & " and [TERM] ='" & me.f_TERM & "'"
F1 = F1 & " and [Examination Type] = '" & me.f_Examination_Type & "'"
''MsgBox F1
DoCmd.OpenReport "REPORT FORMS", acViewReport, , F1
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in the interests of accuracy, you would need square brackets because of the spaces in the field names:)
Macros v VBA

I was taught by my mentors not to use Macros! I'm sure a good blog could be composed around these different styles of programming.

I do recall in the Forum's distance past, a member, (Mike365 I reckon) who could do anything with a macro. He was impressive!
Blog on Code Readability v Obscuration

but what is more important is VISIBILITY or A FEW EXTRA LINES

Hi @SHANEMAC51 your comment reminded me that Code transparency, over code obscuration would make for good blogging material....
Start your own Thread

Post in thread 'Emailing on specific dates'

A general comment or a indeed instruction to new members I see often, is start your own thread!!!

I know it's it's a good tip and necessary, but I've never come across any good reasons why.

Until I saw this thread the poster posted the question in 2014, didn't get an answer for 11 days and has never been back!

Now if the poster had started their own thread, then the new thread would not have received an answer and would've been listed in the unanswered threads sections of the forum.

A moderator would then bump it up the list to draw people's attention to the unanswered question.

Not enough material here for a Blog of it's own, but it might contribute to a Blog on forum etiquette...

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