Britain is Changing with Freedom at Risk


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 03:05
Dec 31, 2020
This Stalinist government in Britain now wants to nationalise the BBC.

There have been discussions over the years about a replacement to the licence fee, which is basically a tax, or fee to be paid if you want to watch terrestrial TV.
The proposal is that the licence fee will be abolished and it will become a part of income tax. So all of the spongers and illegals who will statistically not pay any tax will then not pay anything for TV. Their license Fee will be paid as an increased extra tax by everyone else. Not only that, all of the salaries and pension liabilities will be 'adopted' by the government. Further increasing public spending.

Not only that, whilst at present the government will certainly attempt to influence the BBC. If this is adopted it will then the BBC become under direct government control. The current fairy tale is that as it will be 'owned' by the tax payers, and the public will be able to have influence over the BBC. Yeah, of course we will. Like we have influence now over other the NHS and the many government quangos who simply stonewall as issues arise! We did see some of this when we were in the European Union with their grants to the BBC in order that the EU could demand specific programs and documentaries to be presented not as propaganda but as news. And it was many millions in grants.

Of course there is little doubt the main driver is that the government will have total control, possibly over all terrestrial TV but certainly the BBC. In much the same way that Russia, China and other communist and autocratic countries control their TV. So presumably the grooming gangs story and others would be supressed. Stories critical of the government would never appear. Maybe new news channels like GBNews will be shut down in the process?

Makes you wonder what is next. Probably the nationalisation of newspapers and shutting down of X and other unapproved media. Hardly surprising as there are serious attempts with the intention to have elections that are due to take place in May 2025, cancelled throughout the whole of Britain.
You mean like what happened to our media?
The BBC is mainly run by a bunch of Loony Labour Liberal socialist luvvies. It will restrict certain aspects of the news and is evangelical when it comes to global warming, or whatever they call it. With little regard to the truth, science, or balanced opinion.
is evangelical when it comes to global warming, or whatever they call it.
It is also evangelical about the Earth being a sphere. Apparently they have "evidence," but there should be more balanced debate on this topic, because step out your front door and look around: It is F&*%ing flat.
We all know the Earth is an oblate spheroid. About like a rugby ball but crunched in a bit more.
Thanks to Mayor Khan's 'what's a grooming gang?' routine, I can now flirt with danger by saying 'grooming gangs' in public, risking less offense than if I'd accidentally used the wrong pronoun. But hey, who needs safety when you've got semantic ambiguity on your side?
In Britain they are referred to in the press, on TV news and Parliament almost universally as Pakistani Grooming Gangs and many, many times on GBNews as Pakistani R*p* Gangs.
Is it not time to call a spade a spade?

Anyway the Home Secretary, that damn Cooper woman is to start five enquires to get to the bottom of it. (smile or sneer)
It is said that the sales of sweeping brush orders by various police forces and local councils has exploded in five towns. The Chief Constables, the mayors and social workers have lifted the carpets in preparation.

Nothing changes.
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The article refers to racism- which is not necessarily referring to Muslims and I understand that it is an attempt to stop white dogs barking at dogs of colour or dogs that’s cannot bark in welsh
Welsh will do that to you!
We won't go there now, even though we're on the border.
Driving all day at 20mph isn't my idea of a day out.
I just don't know why 25mph wasn't selected, that works perfectly well in France. But as you say, that is Wales for you. But I do have to say that Mark Drakeford always looked like a very impressive leader. ha.
That is labour’s pledge - whether they will carry it out is not yet known. They have also pledged to reduce voting age to 16.

All this will benefit labour of course
They have also pledged to reduce voting age to 16.
Recall Churchill's admonition. This is from DuckAssist.
Winston Churchill is often quoted as saying, "If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart; if you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain." This quote reflects a common belief about the evolution of political views with age.
Which is why Democrats in the US also want to reduce the voting age. Unfortunately, conservatives always fall for those supposedly compassionate assertions. Based on Churchill and life's teachings, the voting age should be raised to at least 25.
Which is why Democrats in the US also want to reduce the voting age. Unfortunately, conservatives always fall for those supposedly compassionate assertions. Based on Churchill and life's teachings, the voting age should be raised to at least 25.
Churchill said and did a lot of stupid things. Insisted on keeping the Gold Standard and crashed the UK economy for ten years.
He dreamt up the stupid idea of Gallipoli without the faintest idea about he enemy position, or strength. He looked a a map and thought he'd do a pincer movement to end the war. Instead he was responsible for thousands of ANZAC deaths. He basically was a bit of a Hooray Henry at times and didn't prepare.
Although before and during the war he he was right when many others were wrong, or weak.
Concerning Churchill, there is a failure that has been overlooked. That is the the Greco-Turkish War.
Following the end of WW1 the Greeks unfortunately attacked Turkey. The Greeks got into trouble and appealed to the Western powers for help. Regrettably, they were rebuffed and the Turks won. That also resulted a lot of ethnic cleansing by the Turks.

We can't speculate as to what would have happened had the Greeks won. We can, however, hypothesize that some of the problems in the Middle East may not have materialized. Erdoğan, who increasingly Islamic, anti-Christian, and anti-Kurdish, may never have become president of Turkey. Turkey also invaded Cyprus in 1974 and the US, fifty years later, has done nothing about that.
Concerning Churchill, there is a failure that has been overlooked. That is the the Greco-Turkish War.
Following the end of WW1 the Greeks unfortunately attacked Turkey. The Greeks got into trouble and appealed to the Western powers for help. Regrettably, they were rebuffed and the Turks won. That also resulted a lot of ethnic cleansing by the Turks.

We can't speculate as to what would have happened had the Greeks won. We can, however, hypothesize that some of the problems in the Middle East may not have materialized. Erdoğan, who increasingly Islamic, anti-Christian, and anti-Kurdish, may never have become president of Turkey. Turkey also invaded Cyprus in 1974 and the US, fifty years later, has done nothing about that.
As I understand it Britain still has bases in Cyprus and maybe a few thousand soldiers but what the devil they do I've no idea. Sit about getting a tan presumably.
Turkey still refuses to recognise the Armenian genocide after more than 100 years.
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