calendar scheduler for a lan (3 Viewers)


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Today, 11:21
Jan 31, 2019
Hello i am looking for a simple calendaragenda scheduler to use in a small lan
Now we are using an excel file, but as you know, when it is open on one pc, all the other user can access only in a read mode
So we need somehting that can be accessed at the same time in read/write mode from multiple users
The need is quite easy. Each day we need to schedule appointments for 3-6(the numebr is to be decided yet) differents areas
I have seacrhed for some software, but now it seems that everything is online. But we work in an hospital departments and all datas must be reserved, so it is not possible to use anything web based!
So i am thinking to use access. Problme with access is that it is quite a time i am not using, so i feel a bit lost when it is time to start to program. I was never a real programmers, but with forms and tables i did several little applications in th epast
Now, i am asking you if there is any template available to start form, or you can give me some hint to start, or also if you know a free software that cansuit this need
Thanks a lot
to make it clear
This is what is used, it is a daily scheduling. As you see should be important to have all time slot already available, just blank. And time by time they are filled with new appointmens
This kind of view i important because when someone goes to set upo a new appointment for example the 1st of december 2024, he can see at glance what slot of time (8-9,9-10 ecc ) are still available. So it is important to have the view just like a paper agenda. All the time slot visible at once. This is the things that i find most difficult to imagine when programming with access


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If you Google ‘Microsoft access calendar template ‘ you will get a number of hits - this one for example

If you Google ‘Microsoft access calendar template ‘ you will get a number of hits - this one for example

yes , i am looking for a free version though
just found it now and it seems really promising for my need
I have some questions about it
first thing is that when i open it on a 64 bit version i get error as it says the db is for 32 bit and i don't know how to convert(also i don'tknow yet the office versions of all pc in the lan)
Second thing, trying to modify som ething and i cannot, for example the scheduler start from hours 00 and it finish to hours 23..and i don t want all this..Just deleting form the source table is not enough, som epart of codes must rewrite these..and cannot find where, yet(as i said i am not good with code)
Third thing: ok let's say th efile will be fine for me. I would need to use 3 of these because i will use one for each different areas. I don't want to have 3 separate files so i am thinking to gather those 3 files in one access files. I import all the files in one single files, but of course it don't work as the tables and formnames will change being duplicates and all the codes getr broken. Is there a different way to do this?do i need to fix all the codes and rewrite the correct table/form names? thanks
i am not the author and have not exhaustively seen all objects of the db, therefore, i cannot answer you.
you can ask questions on that forum.
i am not the author and have not exhaustively seen all objects of the db, therefore, i cannot answer you.
you can ask questions on that forum.
can imagine but the first and the third questions are not realted to that db, but general question i suppose
The frst is about a db being written for 32bit version and used on a 64bit version of access
the thirs is certianly common, and is about how to duplicate a db and use it wihtin a single file, keeping in mind that when i import the files it change the name of table. For example: i import the file and i have table_main and form_main. If i import again the file i will have table_main1 and form_main1 : all codes related to those name will be broken. This is a general question for sure
first question, i have done the changes and will work both for x32 and x64.
a. you need to create a Shared folder on the Lan.
you must grant all Rights to user Everyone on this

b. split the db (FE/BE).
the BE will be put to the shared folder.
open the FE and Relink the tables.

give each users a copy of the FE (front end) database.


first question, i have done the changes and will work both for x32 and x64.
a. you need to create a Shared folder on the Lan.
you must grant all Rights to user Everyone on this

b. split the db (FE/BE).
the BE will be put to the shared folder.
open the FE and Relink the tables.

give each users a copy of the FE (front end) database.
ahh good so this one is the corrected version, i can now open it on my 64bit. Thanks a lot
Yes i know i need to do this procedure to share the file on lan..but is this related to the 32/64 bit issue?

what about how to manage the need for use multiple instances of the db within one unique file?what solution may i use?
Yes i know i need to do this procedure to share the file on lan..but is this related to the 32/64 bit issue?
no issue, just don't make and .accde out of it. accde is based on the bitness it was created.
what do you mean? you already split the db, so give each Users their own FE. that i think is multiple instance?
ok so i have not explained well then
We have 3 to 5 different areas with different scheduler for example appointment in blue room, appointments in red room etc...
So we need different scheduler for blue room, red room etc
I could use one instance of the file ofr the red room, another one for the blue room and so on, but i 'd rather have all within the same file
SO that i should add to that file one more form, at top level that say RED ROOM SCHEDULER that will open the red room scheduler, BLUE ROOM SCHDULER and it will open the blue room schduler. The way iu have thought i can do is to import several instances of the file in a blank db , and use it within a single file instead of multiple files
But when i import the same file more than once all the names of the tables and form will change as they are duplicated. This will cause an error in the code as the names of table and forms are changed
is it clear now?

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