Canada - a nation crashing with No Survivors & Britain Abolishes Itself


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Today, 15:40
Oct 22, 2009
MEME Movement - what does it say about Western Society?
The recognition of MEME contributes to the popularity and growth of the movement. This week, Hungry joined Italy to remove all recent immigrants. Something the US Media can not allow any more than the YellowVest movement. These two videos are fairly bland.
My favorite recent episode is "Why Learn To Code Enrages the US Media"

The Black Pigeon Speaks produces a series of video commentary from Canada. Reviews include "He has elevated failure and humiliation to an art form." The Canada site exceeded 0.5 M views vs the Britain 0.35 M views on YouTube alone. This demonstrates the rate of growth in popularity of this style of journalism. In 2019, Black Pigeon Speaks gained sponsorship of one of the largest phone video game developer. BPS now produces one or more episodes per week.

Canada 2019: World's First MEME Country
Close to the US, the economic and political change in Canada is rarely reported, but more often a point of discussion. The MEME movement has focused on the political portrayal of ideas based on emotion.
Canada 2019: World's First MEME Country

Britain Abolishes Itself
On visiting from his California home in 2011 "Mass immigration has turned London into a city that is 'no longer English', John Cleese claims.
The former Monty Python star says he now feels like a foreigner walking through the capital's streets. One year ago, before the MEME tag was popular, the observations of Britain. More recent episodes on Brexit and other events are also covered by the Canadian writer.
Britain Abolishes Itself

USA spared no mercy
The MEME movement is not at all overlooked in the USA. The writer's popularity of pointing out news fraud in the US media is not kind to the media giants.

For a quick tutorial on MEME - review the episode "Why the NPC Meme Crashed Twitter"
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This is not only a thing in London. I live in Belgium and I feel the same.
I am not racist, those people are running from war (strange that the majority are only men)
But the impact is great in some towns. Houses are in decay, theft rate is going up (from bicycles to restaurants). (

Then you visit a country like Czech Republic where they are against the immigrants (
And yes, there I am not afraid to lock up my bike at the station and it will still be there the next morning.

Hard to judge what the situation will be in 10 years, but for now it is not looking good.
Pat Buchanan has been a long-time proponent on the coming Balkanization of the US. He was prescient. Unfortunately, he has pretty much disappeared.

In addition to Balkanization, the West is now committing cultural suicide.
Then you visit a country like Czech Republic where they are against the immigrants (
And yes, there I am not afraid to lock up my bike at the station and it will still be there the next morning.
Hi, as a Czech person i just want to point out that your opinion is harshly biased and bit a rightist.
I had my bike stolen by gypsies who were born and raised in the czch republic when i was a little kid and later when i was a teen it was stolen from in front of a pub by a local junkie, it had a bike lock on in both instances.
We have our own human trash here and it's absolutely not a racial thing, but rather a poverty/immediate surrounding thing.
But i don't know about Britain, i feel like if it weren't for all the billionaire arabs roaming London, the place would have so much less money in circulation, i just don't think you realize the economical impact these people have. Pointing out the "bad" immigrants and ignoring what absolute donkeys your regular brits sometimes are is what's biased in my opinion.
those people are running from war (strange that the majority are only men)
The question no one ever asks is - Why would refugees from the Middle East go to the free, Democratic, Christian countries of the west where no one speaks Arabic and Sharia law is completely opposite what the peoples of those countries believe in? Why wouldn't the refugees go to the former Soviet states or China? Why wouldn't the refugees go to other Muslim countries where they speak the language and would have a much easier time adjusting and fitting in? One reason - other Muslim countries flatly refuse them entry. THEY DON"T WANT THE REFUGEES!!!!! And they will NEVER allow them to become citizens. That is why 70 years after the partitioning of Palestine and the Arabs being prodded by the High Mufti of Jerusalem (a buddy of Hitler's) to leave their homes and businesses, the Palestinians (as they call themselves) are people without a country. They are NOT citizens of the countries where they were born even though their parents and in some cases grandparents were also born. Their only hope is that the Jews will give up part of Israel so they can have a country of their own. And the Jews are actually willing to do that but nothing makes the Palestinians happy. What does that say about the charity and "goodness" of Islam? It is Christians who are taking in the Muslim refugees and trying to accommodate their needs. And you're right about the majority being men. Are the men running because they are cowards and refuse to stay and fight for their own homeland or are they coming to destroy our homelands?

We have been cowed by Political Correctness and the fear of being called bigots or racists into accepting people who will NEVER fit in because they simply don't want to. They want Sharia law and polygamy and to remove all freedom from women.
Churchill wasn't kind to Islam. He didn't like it, and in fact was a serious critic thereof.

Are the men running because they are cowards and refuse to stay and fight for their own homeland or are they coming to destroy our homelands
I think this is a bit disingenuous. It has been common for eons upon eons, in immigration and pioneering situations, including the USA, for the breadwinners and/or men of the family to move first, only summoning the women and children once they have safely established some semblance of safety and/or provision and/or normalcy into which the women and children are then beckoned. Not always, but very common.
The question no one ever asks is - Why would refugees from the Middle East go to the free, Democratic, Christian countries of the west where no one speaks Arabic and Sharia law is completely opposite what the peoples of those countries believe in?
Hi, i have had the pleasure of speaking with literal dozens of said immigrants who reside mainly in sweden and germany (obviously when speaking about europe). All of whom were aged between 18-30, and whenever i asked questions regarding their choices and whether it had anything to do with their religion and political standings etc. I would get pretty much indiferent answers such as "Oh i went to germany because back home i saw that people from my town work here and they drive benzes and bmws and that's what i think is fair compensation for the work im willing to put in" and "In our town there was only one family who had iPhones and now in sweden i could buy one too just after two months of work in a warehouse" now this what i wrote is naturally not a direct quotation, as their english was rather off but they were able to communicate and understand moderately well (note that all of these guys i know through online games and some of them i keep in touch with to this day, so that's why they had a decent basis in english and or german).
Only once i had a answer regaring religion, all the other younger guys were telling me only monetary reasons, honestly. So the problem lies in their upbringing, not their own personal views of the world based on religion or politics. With the younger generations it typically is the same as it is with our own European milenials and gen Zs. They don't care much for politics or religion as their predecessors do, they just were brought up by them, surrounded by them, so their ways of percieving life and social matters is more often than not identical. However, the younger generations, who grew up with social media and youtube and such have a FAR more open mind and find their ways to our western culture rather well. I'm not saying all do, nor am i saying all will, but i think in a generation or two, their offspring will be as far from their origin as Argentinians named Hanz (i assume most of you understand this). But yes, there surely should be some tough calls made, especially in swedistan, who is now the ra** capital of europe. If swedes other than the skinhead types from the south were to stand up to their behaviors and fight it, the process of adaptation to western cultures would in my opinion drastically speed up, this way the douchebag types who migrate there just find out that they can be more wild than they ever could back home, because often they would quite literally get murdered, where as here your typical swede will zip his puffer jacket all the way to the nose and walk away, in distress.
It's really a complicated matter to even discuss, yet alone resolve anyhow. Not everyone is going to agree with me, and that's fine. I'm just saying what i know from experience, and i understand our colective experiences will surely difer dramatically.

TL;DR- Some come for the money and don't really care about religion or their countries political issues, they just want cars and comfortable capitalist life styles we have, and majority of them are more than willing to adapt, however as it is with trees, it's the same with humans, you got to bend them while they're young. So therefore i have faith in future generations of eastern immigrants in the EU.

Edit- Didn't know there was censoring in this site, i apologize, the link is broken because of it, however you can just copy the link and edit the two stars to "pe" if u want to.
Good, take them all. Please take Ilan Omar also. Most Americans would be happy to pay you to take her. Muslims who go through the immigration process because they want to be Americans do very well here. America is actually the most welcoming country in the world for immigrants and we take in more refugees than all the other countries of the world combined. Refugees, not so much Omar is a prime example. We rescued her from a fate worse than death. We educated her. Her neighbors elected her to Congress and she does nothing but spew, anti-America, anti-Israel hatred and then claim that Americans are racist if we complain. Political correctness will be the death of Western Civilization. Remember the scene from Network, lean out your window and shout - "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more".
we take in more refugees than all the other countries of the world combined
I'm sorry, but that's not even remotely true. The US refugee resettlement program capped at 30,000 as of recently. Greece saw 850,000 in one year alone (admittedly taking a number from a few years ago), regardless of if the various numbers have changed in this particular year or that particular year, it is clear that the statement "we take in more refugees than all other countries of the world combined" is not even remotely close to being accurate.

Although I agree with all your statements about Ilhan Omar.
I stand corrected. In NORMAL times we take more refugees. The chaos in the Middle East isn't exactly normal times. One thing we don't take though, is Christian refugees from Africa and the Middle East despite the persecution of Christians that goes on around the world. Apparently it is politically correct to let the Christians rot.
One thing we don't take though, is Christian refugees from Africa and the Middle East despite the persecution of Christians that goes on around the world. Apparently it is politically correct to let the Christians rot
I agree, this is a sad fact.
I stand corrected. In NORMAL times we take more refugees. The chaos in the Middle East isn't exactly normal times. One thing we don't take though, is Christian refugees from Africa and the Middle East despite the persecution of Christians that goes on around the world. Apparently it is politically correct to let the Christians rot.
I agree, this is a sad fact.
What is also unfortunate, US and even some European soldiers have essentially been used as "mercenaries" to maintain the integrity of Islamic states. A realpolitik approach, would force Islamic states to accept Christians as equal citizens should US military and/or economic power be used to prop-up what is now an intolerant Islamic state. Unfortunately the US has been cowardly in this regard.

Another opportunity for me to repeat my Cyprus rant. In 1974 Turkey invaded Cyprus. The US and the rest of the world essentially did nothing. It is now nearly 50 years later and the Western World has not forced Turkey to leave. To make matters worse, Turkey (as a member of NATO) is supposedly an "ally" of the US. They are not. Turkey dragged its feet in "fighting" ISIS. Turkey has also "invaded" parts of Syria.
I don't think Cyprus has any oil.

Trump is the first president i can remember who has called out bad actors and actually stood at his line. Obama just backed up and drew a new line as Russia invaded Ukraine and Assad gassed his own people and China stole billions in intellectual property and built military bases on man-made islands in the South China Sea. Then there's the famous hot mic film of Obama telling some Russian official after a press conference, to "Tell Vlad I'll have more flexibility after the election". Except I'm pretty sure that CNN never aired that footage so a lot of you might not have seen it.

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