Cannot select item in combo box ?!?!?!?


Software Developer
Local time
Today, 06:50
Sep 24, 2006
Have a subform:
Name: frmProjectSub1
Default View: Continuous Forms

A combo box within the subform:
  Name: cboProjectName
  Control Source: Nothing
  Row Source Type: Table/Query
  Row Source: SELECT ProjectName FROM tblProjects WHERE tblProjects.Status LIKE "*" ORDER BY ProjectName;
  Column Count: 1
  Bound Column: 1
  Visible: Yes
  Enabled: Yes
  Locked: No
  Allow AutoCorrect: Yes
  Tab Stop: Yes
OnClick Event:
     Private Sub cboProjectName_Click()
         With Me.frmProjectSub1.Form
             Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[ProjectName] = " & Me.cboProjectName
             If Me.RecordsetClone.NoMatch Then
                 MsgBox "Can't find task " & Me.cboProjectName
                 Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
             End If
         End With
     End Sub

Within the continous form, if I name the Control Source as ProjectName, and traverse through the records, the value in the combo box changes to the current selected row.

Problem: In the combo box, I do get the dropdown list of projects, when I click on a project - Nothing Happens! The listbox stays open on the item that I clicked on -- does not close-up and put the selected item in the combobox window. I'm stumped...
Under the data tab... check your record source
HAHA! This happened to me, check that (if you are using a macro) that it is set to load normal and not read only, or add, or icon, etc.

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