Cant Find Object


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 21:03
Jan 11, 2024
Hello All.

I created a view in SQL that can be viewed in Access ADP.

I want to email this view.

I have a simple docmd line that should work, but the error I get is below. The strange thing is that Access is adding a one to Query name. I tried assigning it to a variable and I get the same thing. Below is the screen shot of the error and code I am typing in the immediate window to test.

docmd.SendObject acSendQuery ,"CurtisDrayageInvoiceEmail", acFormatXLSX,""

Compare the line of text you typed to the error message. Your code is different from what you posted.
Compare the line of text you typed to the error message. Your code is different from what you posted.
I dont see what you are reffering to. The queryName is hard Coded as "CurtisDrayageInvoiceEmail" the error is coming back "CurtisDrayageInvoiceEmail1" . it appears the system is adding a 1 to the query name.
Have you tried another query just as a debug step?
That syntax works fine for me?
Look at your code. If you don't see the 1, then there is probably some corruption. Delete the line of code. Do a Decompile. Then retype the code.
The decompile is an undocumented argument. It was used by the developers of Access to help them to clean up their work. Compact & Repair does not completely clear out the p-code for some reason. When you compile the application, a thing called p-code is created. This is what the interpreter uses to run your VBA code. VBA is not a compiled language. It is interpreted. Sometimes the p-code becomes corrupted. There are only two ways to solve the problem. 1. create a new empty database and import all objects and settings. 2. decompile.


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