Can't type in the text boxes


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:41
Sep 10, 2004
I am sure you all figured out how bad I am at this since I have to ask this question :) . I have 3 different forms. 2 of them work perfectly well. My third problem is giving me a bunch of problems. I used to be able to type in information in different text boxes, but now I can only click in the box, but it does not let me type. I checked properties of the working and problem forms, but they were identitical. I checked the properties of the fields in the table the form is linked to and they were fine as well. They used to work, but for some reason the text boxes in the form are locked up now. Any ideas what to do?
Locked text boxes usually indicate a broken relationship between your tables. Open up the relationship window and verify the relationship between the tables.
That was it, Meltdown!

Thank you very much!

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