What do you guys do? Do you switch each year? Maybe it is different in the US but in the UK, it is a fiasco.
I don't know how stuff works in the UK, but I'll tell you man, perhaps my tricky and sly attitude of using corporations against themselves for the purpose of helping little people out could be of some use? Maybe not though. Here's a great example:
Last week I got a request in for future .NET work using C#. However, some hosting companies hate the language and/or the Microsoft nonsense that comes with it. Their security protocols block .NET web apps, regardless of the XML configurations and trust levels, etc, etc.... you include. So, in order to test all of this, because I knew it was coming, I called the wonderful company called GoDaddy, spent 500+ USD on a dedicated server for the purpose of running all the possible tests I could to see if server manipulation could get around this paranoia.
And when buying the service from an agent, I told him exactly what I was doing and why. They offer a 30 day return policy. and I told him I would use it if I found out that their platform didn't allow me to do what I needed to do for someone else. He said fine, but had a slew of questions for me regarding what I was doing. And I told him that it's only GoDaddy's fault, and that I would never pay the company anything if they block what needs to get done. They claim to work for the little guy, but yet they have a huge target on their back, targeted by hackers, because they're so huge and make so much money. So, why should I give them money for that, when their own policies cause them technically to inadvertently NOT work for the little guy? I simply used them to run tests, got my money back, and went elsewhere for the customer's needs.
So, not sure if you can do the same thing in the insurance world, but hey, insurance people have plenty of money. They don't need any more by hiking rates for no reason.
Have you seen the article in the news lately that, apparently, airline carriers in the world are playing pretty sly tricks on customers to keep their money if flights get cancelled due to the virus, or anything else? That's what people are claiming anyway. see here:
ummmmm....really!? no surprise here. they'll do anything to get the damn money. =( just like they're currently picking on the folks from Africa and folks from Mexico. and the people in those culture groups are buying corporate products, just like they're told. sad....If I had any ill will for anyone else, I'd inform these people that they're participating in a game where they are being used, technically. But then again, it must continue otherwise
@The_Doc_Man doesn't get his fixed income.