Change Report Footer Height depending on control value


Registered User.
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Today, 02:29
Aug 15, 2010
I have a Report Footer called "GroupFooter1" and in this footer a Bound Object Frame called OleSignature.

We check the value of OleSignature inside the Footer and if it is Null, then then there is no need to have OleSignature displayed. Ideally I would like to set its Height to 0 and at the same time set the Footer Height to something smaller so that the report fits on one page.

I believe that the Footer Height can be set in the Report sections above the specific Footer. Something like

Me.GroupFooter1.Height = 6000, included in the Report OPEN, does not create a problem when it runs, BUT the Footer Height is not set.

I basically need to be able to change the height of the control inside the Footer, as well as the Footer Height.
Have you investigated the cangrow/shrink properties?
Try set the section visible to false in its on format event.
And you know that, how?

Let me repeat what I want to achieve: Depending on the value of a control in a footer, I was to be able to set the Height of both control and footer.

I can retrieve the value of the control prior to calling the report.
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There is loads on this issue in the forum section REPORTS Discussion
If you have other controls in the group footer that you want to display, then create another group footer on the same field/expression and move the OleSignature to the new section. You should be able to set the Visible property or cancel the printing of the Group Footer section. This will not work in Report View since VBA is not executed in that view.
you may try if the code on the sample report fit for your requirement.
note, will only work on Print Preview view of the report.


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