Changing Forms on Timer


Self Taught, Learn from the Forums
Local time
Today, 05:34
Feb 5, 2019
Hi All,

I am in the process of generating various statistic forms and charts that we want display on an information screen for our factory floor. I am after some advice on how to change the displayed form on a time loop. I have created a table that will list all the forms, their display order and time they should stay open for.

How would I then go about changing the form once it has been opened for the set amount of time?

1frmDisplay1Form 112
2frmDisplay2Form 225
3frmDisplay3Form 333

So in the example above, frmDisplay1 would open and set a text box to current time +2 minutes. Once it gets to that time, change to frmDisplay2 for 5 minutes. Then frmDisplay3 for 3 minutes, and then back to the start.

The data will be live so I believe an access form is the best way to go for it to always be up to date.

Or, is there a better way to do this?

Not sure about a better way, but I am thinking you need a hidden timer form to do the switching for you.
Not sure about a better way, but I am thinking you need a hidden timer form to do the switching for you.
I had thought this, and managed to create a dummy form that did display the active form name and time it should change, but I couldn't get my head working out how to display the next form due. And then how to display the first form once you get to the last one in the list.

I had thought this, and managed to create a dummy form that did display the active form name and time it should change, but I couldn't get my head working out how to display the next form due. And then how to display the first form once you get to the last one in the list.

I would use either a form variable or a tempvar to keep track of where you are in the process.
Put the forms to display in a subform (Taking up the whole form) and simply use the timer in the main form to switch them in and out?

Or loop through the records and set a loop running based on the time elapsed, if it's only displaying static data the loop running shouldn't effect the performance.

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