ChrisO - Sad Announcement


VIP From a land downunder
Local time
Tomorrow, 10:40
Jan 5, 2009
Make new friends but don't forget the old.
For some are silver and some are gold.

Chris was a Golden friend of mine.

Chris O'Brien passed away peacefully today 18th July 2014 at 12:45. PM.
Re: ChrisO - Update On Condition

Terrible news, my condolences to all his friends and family.

Re: ChrisO - Update On Condition

A very sad news indeed. Chris, was an inspiration and a great source of knowledge. So many occasions, he stopped for a minute to advice me through PM and also on this forum. I did not get the opportunity to know him personally, but in my limited knowledge I would concur he was a good man.

Here's one for Chris O'Brien ! You will be missed, deep condolences to his family and loved ones.
Re: ChrisO - Update On Condition

A great loss indeed and he'll be sorely missed!

My thoughts goes out for his family and those he loved.
Re: ChrisO - Update On Condition

Such sad news!
condolences to all his family
Re: ChrisO - Update On Condition

I remember Chris supplied me with one of the most useful posts ever here years ago, but I still remember it.

Tragic news, but at least he is no longer suffering from such a terrible disease.

RIP Chris.
Very sad. I was stunned a few months ago when he mentioned how ill he was.
What a loss, what sad news. Condolences to ChrisO's family and loved ones.
That's what I feel like, this feels so sudden.
Given the pain he was in it's probably a blessing, but still tragic. His family and friends are in my prayers.
Condolences to ChrisO's family and loved ones.
Chris was a man who said what he meant, knew how to say it and wan't afraid to say it even if it was against popular wisdom.

When he said things about Access you really needed to listen because he not only had deep insights but he took the trouble to rigorously test what he had seen. All his many contributions to Access code on this planet are exemplary.

He was also very precise. My favourite episode was his debunking of the Microsoft promoted idea that Nz returns either a zero or a ZLS depending on from where it was called. Of course it actually returns Empty which is then interpreted as such. Chris was exactly right but had to argue his case to the doubters.

I'll have a drink to his memory.
So sorry to hear this news.
Chris was a brilliant man and the Access Community will sorely miss him.

My condolences go out to his family and friends.

Glen Kruger
Access MVP
Very very sad news indeed. I never met Chris in person but considered him a good friend and mentor in the old days on

Whenever I saw his "G'day Sir Cheeky! :D" on a thread I knew I was going to learn something that day.

RIP Chris, I will be raising many cold ones in your direction, and will imagine your banter as the Aussies give us another hiding in the next Ashes.

Sir Cheeky ;)

David Marten
So sorry to hear this news.
Chris was a brilliant man and the Access Community will sorely miss him.

My condolences go out to his family and friends.

Glen Kruger
Access MVP


It would be nice if you passed this information onto the team at UA.

Feel free to PM me should you wish to know more.

It would be nice if you passed this information onto the team at UA.

Feel free to PM me should you wish to know more.

Rain it has been passed on and an announcement has been made on UtterAccess's Facebook page.
This is sad news indeed.
I've barely had time to post in one forum lately, so have missed out on continuing interactions with Chris in recent times.
He was always wonderfully invested in exploring and advancing Access development. It's reassuring to think how those many offerings over the years will carry on for future generations of developers to learn from.

Condolences to his family and to you too Des, I know how close you were and hope you can raise a glass to him in your usual haunt in Brisbane - as I shall do over here.

Between issues at work and my own less than perfect health (but nowhere near as bad as Chris's condition), I have posted and visited less often than I would have liked. Now I discover this loss.

Chris, I shall certainly miss you.

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