Code for copying data


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Today, 11:00
Jul 16, 2012
Hi everyone,

Basically I'm creating a database and what I have is a field called "
Postcode" in a form labelled "Address"

When you type in the postcode and click the search button it opens a new form, "Postcode lookup", with all the address associated to that postcode

Is there a code so i can click a button next to the address I want and copy the data into the relevant fields from the "postcode lookup" to the "address" form

The fields I have are Building number, street and town on both forms

Thanks guys,

How is the Lookup data returned back to you? I hope in a listbox? If so, Why not in the Double click of the event, have the
Form!addressForm!houseNumberField = Me.ListBoxName.Column(0, Me.ListBoxName.ItemSelected)
Basically there is a button that open a new form to show records where the postcode fields match
Okay how does the opening form (Post code Lookup) have the list of address?

If for example if you type in a postcode there will be more than one address related to that address considering it is a UK address. If you look into this thread.. Harrison posted a free UK Postcode lookup that will have a list box that displays all related addresses.
The form opens up in a list that shows all related postcodes

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