code in 2000 will not run in 2007 (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:13
Mar 8, 2007
Hi I have some code which was written in version 2000 that will not run in 2007.

Our IT is forcing us down the route of moving to 2007 and I've been encountering loads of problems, for now I'm looking to find out why the code below will not run in 2007.

Any assistance would be most appreciated.

Function eFlowProcess1()
On Error Resume Next
'Visual Basic For Applications
'Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library
'Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
'Microsoft Excell 11.0 Object Library
'Microsoft Outlook 14.0 Object Library
'Microsoft Word 14.0 Object Library
'Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'OLE Automation
'Microsoft ActiveX Date Objects 2.1 Library
'Microsoft Outlook View Control
    DoCmd.Echo False, "Running Program - mod_eFlowProcess1"                     'Indicates in the progress bar the program is running
    DoCmd.Hourglass True                                                        'Turn on the Hourglass
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False                                                     'Turn off warnings
    Dim filenum As Integer                                                      'Declare the filenum variable
    Dim Count As Long                                                           'Declare the count variable as Long
    Dim tmp As String                                                           'Declare the tmp variable as string
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset                                                    'Declare rst as DAO Recordset
    Dim DB As Database                                                          'Declare DB as the Database
    Dim FS As FileSystemObject                                                  'Declares the File System Object
    Dim Folder As Folder                                                        'Declares the Folder Object
    Dim subFolder As Folder                                                     'Declare the SubFolder Object
    Dim File As File                                                            'Declares the File Object
    Dim TextFilePath                                                            'Declares the TextFilePath variable
    Dim dtmDate As Date                                                         'Declare the dtmDate variable
    Dim dtmFileDate As Date                                                     'Declare the dtmFileDate variable
    Dim TextFileDate                                                            'Declare the TextFileDate variable
    Dim NameOfFile                                                              'Declare the NameOfFile variable
    Dim FileNameWithExt                                                         'Declare the FileNameWithExt variable
    Dim strTemp As String                                                       'Declare the strTemp variable
    Dim FileLoc As String                                                       'Declare the FileLoc variable
    StartTime = Format(Now(), "hh:mm:ss")                                       'Assign the current time to the StartTime variable
    Const ForReading = 1                                                        'Declare the FoReading Constant
    Set DB = CurrentDb                                                          'Set DB as the current Database
    Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")                         'Set the File System Object
    dtmDate = Date                                                              'Assign the system date to the dtmDate variable
    TextFilePath = "B:\"                                                        'Set the text file path here [the location where text files are be stored]
    'Return Mail Process
    If FS.FileExists("B:\rtmail\rtmail.txt") = True Then                        'Checks to see if the rtmail.txt file exists in the B:\rtmail folder, if it does then
        If FS.FileExists("B:\rtmail.fof\rtmail.txt") = True Then                'Checks to see if the rtmail.txt file exists in the B:\rtmail.fof folder, if it does then
            Dim SourceNum As Integer                                            'Declare the SourceNum variable as Integer
            Dim DestNum As Integer                                              'Declare the DestNum variable as Integer
            DestNum = FreeFile()                                                'Open the destination text file
            Open "B:\rtmail.fof\rtmail.txt" For Append As DestNum
            SourceNum = FreeFile()                                              'Open the source text file
            Open "B:\rtmail\rtmail.txt" For Input As SourceNum
            Do While Not EOF(SourceNum)                                         'Read each line of the source file and append it to the destination file
                Line Input #SourceNum, Temp
                Print #DestNum, Temp
            Close #DestNum                                                      'Close the Destinationtext file
            Close #SourceNum                                                    'Close the Source text file
            Kill "B:\rtmail\rtmail.txt"
             If FS.FileExists("B:\rtmail\rtmail.txt") = True Then               'If the rtmail.txt file exists then
                FS.CopyFile "B:\rtmail\rtmail.txt", "B:\rtmail.fof\rtmail.txt"  'Copy the Return Mail text file to the new Folder
                Kill "B:\rtmail\rtmail.txt"                                     'Delete the rtmail.txt file from the rtmail folder
            End If
        End If
    End If
    Set Folder = FS.GetFolder(TextFilePath)                                     'Open the text file folders
    For Each subFolder In Folder.SubFolders                                     'Loops through the Folders looking for SubFolders
        For Each File In subFolder.Files                                        'Loops through Subfolders looking for Files
            NameOfFile = GetAttr("File.Name")                                   'Get the text file name
            If Right(File.Name, 4) = ".txt" Then                                'If the file found has a ".txt" extension then
                FileNameWithExt = Mid$(File.Name, InStrRev(File.Name, "\") + 1) 'Assign the File Name with its extension type to the FileNameWithExt variable for example aeg.fof
                strTemp = Mid$(File.Name, InStrRev(File.Name, "\") + 1)         'Assign the text file name to the strTemp variable for example aeg.fof
                NameOfFile = Left$(strTemp, InStrRev(strTemp, ".") - 1)         'Assign the name of the text file without the extension type to the NameOfFile variable for example aeg
                subFilePath = Left$(subFolder, InStrRev(subFolder, "\"))        'Assign the Directory location of the sub file path to the SubFilePath variable in this case B:\
                SubFolderName = Mid$(subFolder, InStr(3, subFolder, "\"))       'Assign the name of the sub folder to the SubFolderName variable for example \aeg.fof
                FileLoc = subFolder & "\" & File.Name                           'Assign the subFolder and File.Name to the FileLoc variable
                If Dir("G:\Scan - Verify\eFlow\BackupProdRegOnprdfs01" & SubFolderName, vbDirectory) = "" Then  'If the SubFolderName doesn't exist in the G:\Scan - Verify\eFlow\BackupProdRegOnprdfs01 Folder then
                    MkDir ("G:\Scan - Verify\eFlow\BackupProdRegOnprdfs01" & SubFolderName)                     'Create the SubFolderName in the G:\Scan - Verify\eFlow\BackupProdRegOnprdfs01 Folder
                    FS.CopyFile subFolder & "\" & FileNameWithExt, "G:\Scan - Verify\eFlow\BackupProdRegOnprdfs01" & SubFolderName & "\" & NameOfFile & "_" & Format(Date, "ddmmyy") & ".txt"   'Copy the text file from the B Drive into the G:\Scan - Verify\eFlow\BackupProdRegOnprdfs01 subFolder and add the current date
                Else                                                                                            'Else if the SubFolderName does exist then
                    FS.CopyFile subFolder & "\" & FileNameWithExt, "G:\Scan - Verify\eFlow\BackupProdRegOnprdfs01" & SubFolderName & "\" & NameOfFile & "_" & Format(Date, "ddmmyy") & ".txt"   'Copy the text file from the B Drive into the G:\Scan - Verify\eFlow\BackupProdRegOnprdfs01 subFolder and add the current date
                End If
                filenum = FreeFile                                              'Get unused file number
                Open FileLoc For Input As filenum                               'Open the text file for input as the file number
                Do While Not EOF(filenum)                                       'Loop while not the End of File
                    Line Input #filenum, tmp$
                    Count = Count + 1                                           'Count the lines and increment
                Close #filenum                                                  'Close the text file
                Set rst = DB.OpenRecordset("tblFileExists")                     'Set rst to Open the tblFileExists table
                rst.AddNew                                                      'Add a new record to the File Exists table
                rst!strFileExists = File.Name                                   'Add File.Name as a record to the tblFileExists table.
                rst!lngRecordCount = Count                                      'Assign the value of the count variable to the lngRecordCount Field
                rst.Update                                                      'Write the record to the database
                rst.Close                                                       'Close the recordset.
                Set rst = Nothing                                               'Reset the rst variable to nothing
                Count = 0                                                       'Set the count variable to zero
            End If
            DoEvents                                                            'Passes control to the operating system so it can process other events
            DoCmd.Echo True, "PROCESS 1: Copying Text Files To Backup Location: " & NameOfFile & "_" & Format(Date, "ddmmyy") & ".txt"  'Indicates in the progress bar the file being worked on
  Call eFlowProcess2                                                            'Call the eFlowProcess2 Module
    DoCmd.Echo True, "Program End"                                              'Update the progress bar with the words "Program End"
    DoCmd.Hourglass False                                                       'Turn the Hourglass off
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True                                                      'Turn the warnings on
End Function




Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 04:13
Jan 23, 2006
Have you stepped through the code?

Need to give readers some indication of what happens; what you have done....


The Mailman - AWF VIP
Local time
Today, 10:13
Aug 11, 2003
What is it not doing? what error is it giving? what is the code intended on doing vs what is it doing now?

More of those types of questions ...

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