Solved File exist button in continous form

The database should be split - the data in tables in the backend (BE) and located on a server where users have access and everything else (forms, queries, reports, modules) in the front end (FE) and a copy located on each users local machine.

Unless you clarify why not, the pdf's should be in a folder on the server - perhaps in the same folder as the BE

and you don't need any code with regards what to show

in a textbox control in the detail section, put

=Dir(ContractPath & [ABC] & ".pdf") <> ""

change names to suit.

And in the controls format property put


if you want colour use

Our Database is actually split, the backend is a Sharepoint List, and the pdf's are already located in a subfolder on the same sharepoint
you are still not being very clear:

And the sharepoint path looks like this:
C:\Users\MyName\SharepointName\IT - General

is MyName the name of the user? or your name i.e.

C:\Users\dk_bhn\SharepointName\IT - General

and if so - do users have access to this folder?
So what is the error it produces?
I cannot see anything wrong with that path, other than perhaps any spaces?
Have you tried a path without spaces?
you are still not being very clear:

is MyName the name of the user? or your name i.e.

C:\Users\dk_bhn\SharepointName\IT - General

and if so - do users have access to this folder?
Yes it's like that. But it's a syncronized folder from sharepoint, which means that for instance my colleague LAB, will have access to the same folders on his pc, but on his pc, they'll be located in C:\Users\LAB\SharepointName\IT - General
That's why I want to use something like Environ$("USERPROFILE") & "\SharepointName\IT - General\"
So what is the error it produces?
I cannot see anything wrong with that path, other than perhaps any spaces?
Have you tried a path without spaces?
I get this error when I try to use the Environ$ in the module:

you can't use a Function() when you are declaring a Constant.

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