Combine Portrait and Landscaped reports into single Snapshot report


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Today, 02:50
Dec 7, 2006
Does anyone know how to take 2 Access reports that are in different print formats, i.e. one is Landscape and one is Portrait and combine them into one report that maintains their individual formats? I am trying to send two separate reports out as one Snapshot viewer report but cant seem to make it work.

I have done this by using VBA to create the report in Word by using a template. The code inserted tables or individual fields at bookmarks in the template.

I doubt that you'll find an easy way to do this since Access doesn't support the concept of sections as Word does or sheets as Excel does. Word can't have different orientations within a section and Excel can't have different orientations within a sheet.

It may be possible to switch the orientation on the fly from within a report. You'll have to try it. I'm not sure which event you should try; possible the page header event.
May be a way

I had a need to do something similar, but with an individually-addressed portrait style letter preceding a landscape report for the addressee.

Only way in AC2000 I found I could do this was to:

- create the Access report as landscape
- report header visible NO
- page header visible NO
- "mydata" header visible YES
- put the letter content in text fields in the "mydata" header section, using the "vertical" option for the text fields, which effectively makes them "portrait" as the page is printed as a landcape style. It takes a bit of time [and head twisting!] to do the design as the fields are all turned through 90 degrees on the screen as you format and align them!
- insert a page break just before the detail section
- put the data content fields in the detail section.

So when we run this report, it produces portrait letters followed by data report in sequence, making for easy enveloping.

I had to play with the positioning of the page break, and also visibility of footers, etc to control repeating of any page headings needed for the landscape pages and the "portrait" pages.

Hope this helps.


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