Solved Combo box query


Local time
Today, 10:02
Feb 19, 2024

I have a simple select query which is the data source for a combo box. The values which show in the combo box are from column 2 (Country). The query results are below:
Combo box.PNG

At the moment, the combo shows all the instances of 'England'. Is there any way I can get the combo to show only one instance of England so users can select from just the 3 unique values?
you can create new query:

SELECT Country From yourTable Group By Country;
That depends - when you use the combo are you trying to capture the RegionID or is the purpose to only obtain the text for country and then use that as the value for further processing? Typically, the combo will contain two columns from a "lookup table" - the key to the table and the text that the user sees.
If you only need the text then you could manage a list, or use distinct SQl as the record source.

SELECT Distinct Country
FROM tblRegion;

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