Combo populated from value list (browse directory) -- Only want to sort list. (1 Viewer)


Local time
Tomorrow, 04:12
May 19, 2005

I have been using a piece of code from Ghudson for some time and it works really well. It is used to display the files in a directory as a value list in a combo box. I use it as a way of allowing the users to link to archived files and reload them if they need to view an old report. What would be nice is if I could sort the files before creating the value list.

    Const cPath = "\\Server\Directory\"
    Dim sPath As String
    Dim sFileList As String
    Dim sFileName As String
    sFileList = ""
    sFileName = Dir(cPath)
    Do While sFileName <> ""
            If sFileName Like "PROSPECTS *" Then
                sFileList = sFileList & sFileName & ";"
            End If
            sFileName = Dir
    Me.cbSelectFile.RowSource = sFileList

The file list looks like follows (but many more files):
PROSPECTS 04-May-2006 at 12.33.12 PM.TXT
PROSPECTS 11-Jan-2006 at 04.12.44 PM.TXT
PROSPECTS 14-Jul-2006 at 14.08.55 PM.TXT
PROSPECTS 16-Aug-2006 at 15.25.11 PM.TXT
PROSPECTS 21-Dec-2005 at 16.06.03 PM.TXT

The code above seems to be sorting alphabetically in ascending order. If poss I would prefer to sort by year and then month and then day(ASC order):
PROSPECTS 21-Dec-2005 at 16.06.03 PM.TXT
PROSPECTS 11-Jan-2006 at 04.12.44 PM.TXT
PROSPECTS 04-May-2006 at 12.33.12 PM.TXT
PROSPECTS 14-Jul-2006 at 14.08.55 PM.TXT
PROSPECTS 16-Aug-2006 at 15.25.11 PM.TXT

Any suggestions?



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