Command button Back Color


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Today, 18:28
Oct 30, 2008
There is a command button property in Access 2019 for Back Color but it doesn't work. Should it ?
From Googling I see some suggestions , one is to use a rectangle - but you can't have text in a rectangle control can you ?
Hi. I'm not in front of a computer now but isn't BackColor the color of the button because ForeColor is the color of the Text?
Yes, except it doesn't work. Or does it for you ?
My Command button properties don't seem to include "Use Theme"
Do you need to install it or something? What tab should it show up on ?
My Command button properties don't seem to include "Use Theme"
Do you need to install it or something? What tab should it show up on ?
Hi. Nothing to install, it should be under the Format tab. However, I am currently looking at 2016, but I don't think it was taken out in 2019.
On the Format Ribbon, choose the Quick Styles Icon. I formatted just the green button. It has a picture on it. Text works also.


  • FormattedButton.JPG
    74.3 KB · Views: 387
On the Format Tab for Command Button I get:

Picture Caption Arrangement
Picture Type
Back Style
Back Color
Border Style
Border Width
Border Color
Font Name
Font Size
Font Weight
Font Underline
Font Italic
Fore Color
Hyperlink Address
Hyperlink SubAddress
Hyperlink Target
Gridline Style Top
Gridline Style Bottom
Gridline style Left
Gridline Style Right
Gridline Width Top
Gridline Width Bottom
Gridline Width Left
Gridline Width Right
Top Padding
Bottom Padding
Left Padding
Right Padding
Horizontal Anchor
Vertical Anchor
Display When
Reading Order

And on the Ribbon, under Format, Quick Styles is greyed out (as are most things there).
Hi. I know you said you're using Access 2019, can I also ask if you're trying to modify a MDB file? Just curious...
Aha! theDBGuy has gotten to the crux of the problem:)
Ahh, yes I am. All my Access files are ",mdb" extension and I've kept it as I've got later versions... starting from Office 97, if I recall correctly.
So this determines what features are available?
Ahh, yes I am. All my Access files are ",mdb" extension and I've kept it as I've got later versions... starting from Office 97, if I recall correctly.
So this determines what features are available?

Correct. The file format determines what features are applicable. In your case, if you don't want to use ACCDB, you might look for an ActiveX equivalent.
Not sure about Active-X, haven't really had a need to learn about it. Perhaps I should redo it from scratch as accdb.

Thanks for putting me straight...
Not sure about Active-X, haven't really had a need to learn about it. Perhaps I should redo it from scratch as accdb.

Thanks for putting me straight...

Hi. You're welcome. Good luck with your project.
I tested this in a new accdb file and the color did change. But why does the color and the caption disappear when you mouse over it?
I tested this in a new accdb file and the color did change. But why does the color and the caption disappear when you mouse over it?

Hi. There's also a Hover color. Try adjusting it.
Thanks DB Guy.. found that and a few more properties and have it all set up nicely.
Thanks DB Guy.. found that and a few more properties and have it all set up nicely.
Hi. Congratulations! Glad to hear you got it sorted out. Good luck with your project.

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