Command Button Resize Woes


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Yesterday, 19:14
Dec 7, 2012
Hello everyone,

I'm relatively new to using access, but I'm finding my way quite well...up until now that is.

I'm using a form as a splash screen for my database and wish to have our company logo resize, but not stretch on the screen. This was relatively easy to do, just centered it and set the anchors for vertical and horizontal to "Both". I also set the size mode to "Clip". Everything works fine with the maximize command on the onOpen setting and the pictures are in the middle of the screen without any stretching.

Now comes my headache. I want to have 4 buttons that open some other windows and have them centered in the middle of the screen just under the logos/pictures. I've tried setting the anchors to the same settings as the pictures, but the buttons blow up to an enormous size. That said, is there any way to make the buttons not resize whatsoever (and stay in one place), yet still have anchors like the pictures? :confused:
Can you upload your DB so we can see whet your are talking about. Hard to get the picture from way over here.
The problem you encounter is that Access does not adhere to true centering. Instead the control (buttons) are repositioned according to the stretch value. There is no way of getting around this by putting images on your Buttons. Yes, the control will stretch but the image will remain centered with the Control (Button). The Button has a Transparent Background. Not wholly satisfactory but it sort of works although when you Click on the Control a dotted border appears of the stretched width.

The problem you encounter is that Access does not adhere to true centering. Instead the control (buttons) are repositioned according to the stretch value. There is no way of getting around this by putting images on your Buttons. Yes, the control will stretch but the image will remain centered with the Control (Button). The Button has a Transparent Background. Not wholly satisfactory but it sort of works although when you Click on the Control a dotted border appears of the stretched width.


Thanks for the reply Simon. I was hoping that this wouldn't be the answer, but I suppose I'm not surprised as I'm pretty sure I had tried everything to no avail. Oh well, perhaps the image direction may work to an extent.

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