and wouldn't your same argument, that you have used against Kryst, also work against you? No one has a perfect list of facts that is not based on eyewitnesses who could possibly get it wrong. Doesn't all of us bring a "knife to a gunfight"? You used bulling tactics on Kryst that come across as if you are trying to intimidate her, yet all she was trying to do is be honest in telling us what she believes. She didn't ask you to believe it, she was just expressing what she believes. You said "Christians amuse you" well you non-believers amuse me. You jump around with your intellectual kung-fu (to decoy with your see how smart I am) but you do not produce enough facts, just arguments. Your facts and arguments have as many holes in them as religious folks do, but somehow or another your right and they are wrong. I am impressed by a number of folks intelligence, on this board, and some of them caused me to listen to them (and challenges me to research what they are saying) due to their intelligence but more importantly, their demeanor is what caused me to listen.