Conversion Error Access 2003 to Access 2007

Hello, Pat Hartman and thank you for your past suggestions.

Could you please send us the code that you use to back up your databases when closing, as the user forgets to =>File => Backup Database before closing their program?

At the present time we use a timed Batch file to backup our data once a week? All of the databases that the Volunteers use are linked data bases, how would your auto back up work for the files on the server?

Thank you, Crystal
For backing up the data, you could also take a look at this.
Are your databases split?

With databases you have two different issues. One is the code part of the database, which includes the queries and find. There is no need to back that up, as you should have unused versions stored safely.

The second is the data, (tables) which should be faithfully and regularly backed up.

A data back up is still tricky though. If you have an overnight back up, and you get a catastrophic error at 3pm the next day, you still have the issue of reconstructing anything you might have done during today.

If your database is not split, then you have to deal with assorted practical considerations.
At the present time we use a timed Batch file to backup our data once a week? All of the databases that the Volunteers use are linked data bases, how would your auto back up work for the files on the server?
My automatic backup is NOT backing up the BE. It is backing up the FE but ONLY when the FE has been opened and modified by a developer. Users NEVER modify the FE so in theory nothing they do causes bloat. Also, if you use my suggested distribution method of always replacing the FE with a fresh copy each time the short cut runs, then you really won't have a bloat issue.

The backup for the BE should be under the control of IT so that multiple copies are kept for a specified duration in a safe, secure, off site location.

User code to back up the BE usually just overlays the previous copy which is a seriously poor solution.

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