Converting desktop database to web

OK so I am using the front end installed on my desktop with the backend on our shared drive. It is working fairly smoothly when on the actual network rather than via VPN. I have run into an issue; however... My "Save as Outlook Contact" button is now giving the error "The command or action isn't available right now." This is also happening with "Add from outlook" button. I had had this working nicely after some work, and now I'm having the issue since splitting the database.
Not clear what your actual setup is now. You’ve always said/implied the app is split, but with the fe on the shared drive and now moved to individual user machines.

so was it not split before? Or what?

also worth copy/pasting your code and highlighting which line is generating the error
Not clear what your actual setup is now. You’ve always said/implied the app is split, but with the fe on the shared drive and now moved to individual user machines.

so was it not split before? Or what?

also worth copy/pasting your code and highlighting which line is generating the error

It is a macro. Here it is. And yes the fe is now installed on my c: drive while the be is on the shared drive.
Here's a possible answer in the link, which itself contains a link.

Another answer (from this forum) that might be related:

A third viewpoint:

Do you have attachments in your database? This would also impact the speed by bloating your database.
Hi. Welcome to AWF!

I am not yet familiar with Airtable. Do you have a link available for a reference? Thanks.
here is a link

Really depends on what you want to be able to do. Seems more comparable with excel/sharepoint with powerapps or perhaps Teams

So good with combining data from multiple sources (don't know about performance or local sources), limited options for presentation - which is what Access is about
I’m trying to figure out if there are any significant differences between using the downloadable desktop app (for Windows) and just using Airtable in a browser (such as Chrome) and any advantages to using one over the other? So far (admittedly with only a little testing), I haven’t really found any except for having a menu command available in the desktop app.

I did see the web page, What are the differences between the desktop and mobile versions of Airtable? It seems there that “mobile” is synonymous with “browser,” but maybe not?

Mobile includes phones and tablets, as opposed to browsers which run on desktops.
Airtable looked pretty interesting until I read that it locks up your data and limits access to your app.. No way would I have my clients give up control over their data.
Hi all,

almost two years after the OP started this thread I think it is well possible to convert desktop database to a Web.

And it is almost fully automated. Here is how it looks like after one single hour spent on MS Access Inventory DB converted.
What is seen below is not even finished App to make it prettier and almost the same as Access one. And all with no coding. Absolutely zero coding to make it prettier.

For sure it totally depends on the scenario how Access is used at your local. But in the last year or so I've seen people converting more like Excel "Access" databases, with absolutely zero business logic in it.
So for someone who does not know anything about programming, HTML, CSS at al, this is a go. On the contrary, if someone knows programming in VBA than picking up JS is a breeze. And pickup up Python is even less complicated. Why would anyone need this two? Because of business logic. Which happens to be Python based. The JS is a browser language, it does stuff needed on the browser, like highlighting something in bold when there is a condition to do so. Or showing pretty graphs. Python on the other hand is used to calculate ie stock on hand which goes into the database. Python makes reports, which is this scenario if OpenOffice Calc Template.
It is not my product btw. I just happen to use it at my work and built numerous Apps with it. And helped number of people in the process.
Good luck


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@jampy - think you need to stop using the phrase 'convert Access to the web'. You are not converting it, which simplistically implies 'click a button and my existing app will now work on the web'. What you mean is 'here is an app where I can create an app on the web that looks like my original access app and it can be done quickly'. You still need to apply business logic which you can get by inspecting the access app.
Umm, that is the topic name. Simply following what the OP wrote.

Which business logic from Excel imported Access applications? Are we negating this types of Apps out there?

Converting, migrating, moving are just semantics from the users point of view. So lets discuss what is the accepted term first and stick to that.

For example, "moving" Access DB to MSSQL. Is it moving or converting or migrating or something else? Are we converting Excel table to Access or migrating?
I'm confused what exactly is expected from me? People mentioned Airtable, why did they mentioned it? But I can't mention something else? Why? Why am I viewed differently? Or you shutting me down? Fine.

Good luck and all the best. No need to reply, thanks. Canceling my profile.
Actually, there must be an option to remove the profile completely. I do not see it. Please point me into the direction. Thanks
Umm, that is the topic name. Simply following what the OP wrote.

Which business logic from Excel imported Access applications? Are we negating this types of Apps out there?

Converting, migrating, moving are just semantics from the users point of view. So lets discuss what is the accepted term first and stick to that.

For example, "moving" Access DB to MSSQL. Is it moving or converting or migrating or something else? Are we converting Excel table to Access or migrating?
I'm confused what exactly is expected from me? People mentioned Airtable, why did they mentioned it? But I can't mention something else? Why? Why am I viewed differently? Or you shutting me down? Fine.

Good luck and all the best. No need to reply, thanks. Canceling my profile.
Semantics? I think you do not know the meaning of the word "Semantics". Or as the movie line put it, "I don't think semantics means what you think it means."

The problem is, fundamentally, that relational database applications rely on the greatest possible degree of objectivity. When one starts throwing subjective interpretations of terms and values into the mix, things go sideways very quickly.

One of my favorite sayings is that ambiguity is crucial in humor, poetry and politics, but it is anathema is relational database applications.

In that sense, trying to obscure what your approach really does by dismissing it as merely a matter of "semantics", is inaccurate at best.

We don't develop "from a users point of view". We develop because we are developers. The fact that you attempt to dismiss that as an irrelevant detail says a lot about the method as well, unfortunately.

I'm a relative newcomer to this site myself, so I tread a bit more lightly than I might otherwise. However, I noticed your initial post here betrayed a bit of a confrontational attitude right out of the gate, and I wondered how that was going to fly, or not.

One final thought, although I've been in the Access development world for a long time, I try hard to remain humble about what I do and do not know. Humility goes a long way in avoiding confrontation.
Actually, there must be an option to remove the profile completely. I do not see it. Please point me into the direction. Thanks
No, there is not, but I will report your post and hopefully the admins will act on your request.
Only an admin can actually remove an account. However, it might be more prudent, for reference purposes, to simply ban the user and in that way leave the posts intact but with a line through the login name. Which I am about to do.

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