Copy Values from one record to the next on

I could go either way. With large enough volumes, it might actually make sense to store the previous meter reading on the current record rather than re-querying it every time. It's all about efficiency, and sometimes, it does make more sense to store the calculation rather than re-calculate it millions of times. It just depends on the situation, the scale/volume, and how many places that 'previous' needs to be recalculated.

If, out in the real world, no datamart or data architect ever stored calculated values, then you would be hardpressed to make a useable datamart out of any enterprise with millions or billions of records - and those dashboards would run awfully slow..

I'm on board with the rule, but not when we reflexively apply it with no exception, that's all.
> reflexively apply it with no exception
I'm not doing that. If the OP was say writing software for an energy provider the size of Texas, they would have stated that, and Texas would not be so silly to run their billing system on Access, with a rookie developer.
This is more likely the scale of a couple of apartment complexes.
Once you go up several orders of magnitude, everything you know as a mainstream Access developer goes out the door.
I offered a solution back in #11 but didn't code it. Looks like the OP is waiting for someone to code the solution for him.
The "assign values from the last record" method is only viable if the data is entered contemporaneously. If you enter a year's worth of readings at one sitting, then you need to enter the value for the first record but the other 11 can copy from the previous record. But this is not that kind of task.
Thanks to all people reacted on my thread. Finally i read a liitle bit of vba and manage to do it with a command button.
Thanks anyway


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