Copying multiple records from one table to another and other stuff

Oh, then it works as expected. Now, are you asking me to show you how to do that or is this one of those lessons you want to learn on your own? :confused:
Hi Gina

I'm hoping that you will show me the best way to do what I want to do as I don't want to stumble around and end up with something that sort of like works but is clumsy and may cause problems. I am also a believer that there is always an easy way to do most things.:).

I suppose also that I am not clear on do I use VB to do all of the data manipulation or a mixture of VB, SQL and other "stuff".

My idea is to provide the user with the ability to create new Kits of Parts and Labor based upon the parts and labor items attached to an existing Work Order and to load a kit into an existing/new Work Order and add (not replace as the user can manually delete any parts and labor items prior to the loading of a Kit) the parts and labor items already in that Work Order.

My way of thinking is this. Ideally have a single button that when pressed displays another small form that has the combo box for selecting the Kit Name and 2 buttons that say "Save Kit" and "Load Kit". When saving a Kit, the user should have the ability to either: create an entirely new Kit (perhaps by the implementation of appropriate Properties setting of the Combo Box to provide for the entering of data if the data (ie: the name of the new kit) that has been entered into the Combo box does not exist) or add to an existing Kit or to totally replace all items in that kit with the newly selected items. The same Parts and Labor item can be is many Kits.

The "Load Kit" should be straightforward as the user would simply select the Kit that they want to load and press "Load Kit". The items in the Kit would be added to whatever parts and labor items already in the Work Order.

I hope the above above helps.

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