Corrupt Database


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:24
Dec 1, 1999
I've run into a little problem with my database.
Here is a description of the problem:
First, I am unable to open my editor window from anywhere in the application except by creating a new module object. If I try to open it any other way, I get application must shut down error.

Second, I have lost the use of my ADO Find and Filter methods. This may mean nothing, but one day the editor stopped putting the capital letter at the start of the words for only these methods. eg: find instead of Find

I contacted the Microsoft Help line, and they told me that some of my forms may be corrupted. Here are the steps I have taken so far to try and fix this problem.

1. Tried out numerous back-up copies of the database, but they all corrupted soon after I started using them.

2. Created a new Database, imported the objects one-by-one trying to identify the problem forms. No luck here either.

3. Uninstalled my Office 2000 and Developers tools , reinstalled and tried the new Database option.

4. Checked to see if I had a virus. None were found

The only option I think I have left is to recreate all my Form objects. The problem with this option is that it will take me MONTHS to get back to the point I am at right now. I have about 100 pages of VB code and about 35 separate forms.

If anyone can help me with this problem I would really appreciate it. I can be contacted at
Ok, I have had a day to try and solve this problem, and I have been able to narrow the problem down to about 8 forms.

These forms all have something in common.

I tried out a new bit of coding that I learned that I am not sure of yet. The procedure worked, and so I didn't think anything of it.

What I was trying to do was to signal to an open form that had a filter criteria on it to change the filter based on the current record of the main form.

Here is the code I used: Any Errors?

Main Form ( Outsource Receiving)
public event FilterIt(varFilterCriteria as variant)

Private sub_Form_Current()

on error goto Form_Current_Err
RaiseEvent FilterIt(Me![Invpart#])

Linked Form (Outsource ReceivedFilter)

Dim WithEvents frmOSRecFilter As [Form_Outsource Receiving]

Private Sub frmOSRecFilter(varFilterCriteria as variant)
On error resume next
if isnull(varFilterCriteria) then
me.visible = false
me.visible = true
me.filter="[Invpart#]=""" & varFilterCriteria & """
end sub

Private sub Form_Load()
set frmOSRecFilter=Forms![Outsource Receiving]
End Sub

Could this be what caused my application to get corrupted? I have used this procedure in a couple of other areas as well. One of these linked forms has multiple main forms which can change the filter criteria.

If anyone has any ideas about what I am doing wrong, please help me!

[This message has been edited by BarkerD (edited 01-12-2000).]

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