Covid blood clots - did you know? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 10:56
Mar 30, 2012
A study led by UB researchers has confirmed that, contrary to claims by anti-vaccine proponents, COVID-19 vaccines pose only trivial risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), or blood clots. In addition, the study found that becoming infected with COVID-19 poses a significant risk of blood clots.

I don't think UTube is a scientific source of information. All the other claims I read in here are anecdotal. Fantasy land.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 12:56
Feb 28, 2001
Thank you for the link, @jpl458, which shows that the anti-vaxxers will lay blame anywhere to support their conspiracy-theory-driven agenda. The numbers in the study make it clear that there is a minimal added risk for using the indicated vaccines.

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 18:56
Jul 9, 2003
Dr John Campbell speaks the truth:-



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:56
May 22, 2010
In the UK, boosters are recommended for people over the age of 64. In the US, boosters are recommended for everyone 6 months or older. I would say that's a pretty wide margin. I Think most people in the US would agree with the UK guidelines without much fuss.


Active member
Local time
Today, 18:56
Dec 31, 2020
From my own tiny straw poll, it does appear that just about everyone who has had the booster has then tested +ve for Covid within a couple of months, or certainly before their next booster. Why would that be? After all the story on the Corona Virus/Covid vaccine has always been that it increases your immune system by adjusting your RNA. Not only making you resistant to Covid but also to an array of other viruses.
Confusion reigns.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 13:56
Feb 19, 2002
Confusion reigns.
How else can big Pharma push their drugs on an unsuspecting population? How else can elected officials guarantee large campaign donations and other government workers guarantee cushy jobs after leaving their government jobs?

Nothing our government has dictated vis a vis COVID has aligned with the "settled science" as we knew it prior to Jan 2020 where the agreed upon goal was to protect the vulnerable. Somehow, our guidance morphed into prevent anyone from catching the disease which is the stupidest plan imaginable if you have any common sense at all. Virus' are the bane of humanity. They keep developing new variations which keep trying to kill us and enough of us manage to survive and acquire immunity and pass it on to our offspring to keep the human race in the game.


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 19:56
Feb 7, 2020
and enough of us manage to survive and acquire immunity and pass it on to our offspring to keep the human race in the game.
So let people get sick and die, there will be a few left.
If you are consistent, you will also get rid of the healthcare system, doctors, midwives, etc. It works that way too.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 13:56
Feb 19, 2002
So let people get sick and die, there will be a few left.
Does the COVID "vaccine" prevent one from catching COVID?
Does the COVID "vaccine" prevent one from infecting others with COVID?
Is COVID dangerous to the elderly and Infirm?
Should they take the "vaccine"?
Should they get boosted?
Not clear since the boosted are far more susceptible to catching the variants than the un boosted.
Are children and healthy young people in danger of dying from COVID?
Are children and healthy young people in danger from the COVID "vaccine"?
Should they be forced or coerced into taking a "vaccine" which doesn't cure or prevent anything but which presents an actual danger to them?

Science is working for us every day looking for cures and treatments or at least it used to be. Doctors used to try various remedies that worked for similar illnesses when there wasn't a specific treatment for something a patient was ill with. Due to politics and the rules laid out by our FDA, they were actively PREVENTED from treating COVID for the first year by Governors preventing the prescription of certain drugs which had been proven already to help. So for the first two years, doctors were forced to send patients home when they tested positive for COVID with instructions to go to a hospital if they couldn't breath. THAT is why the early death counts were higher than they should have been. There really were (are) treatments of other inflammatory type diseases which can mitigate the effects of COVID if taken early on. They can't prevent it but they could prevent deaths with early treatment. My PCP had treated more than 100 COVID patients successfully before our Governor shut down the prescription of the two drugs he was using. He had been talking about retiring for a couple of years. Two months after the Governor intervened between the doctor and his patients with a politically motivated, really dangerous edict on medical treatment, my doctor had sold his practice and officially retired.

In order to get the COVID "vaccine" approved for EMERGENCY use without any trials that "vaccines" would normally have to go through, the FDA specifically specified that there must be NO palliative treatment available. Therefore, it was incumbent on the government to ensure that there be NO palliative treatment available. There were two other rules also. You should still be able to find them on the FDA website unless the document has been purged. THOSE are the people who let others die.

With COVID, the US politicians turned it into a weapon against the public because it was an election year and they needed a way to keep people from voting in person and turned an illness that turns out to be no worse than a bad flu "on average" into an existential threat to all human life on earth and scared the living s*** out of more than half the population. Interestingly (or not) the split ran along political leanings. Conservatives are all about personal freedom, personal responsibility, personal choice, and following the actual science which happens to have been settled prior to Jan 2020 on how to handle an epidemic. The heart of that settled science revolved around protecting the vulnerable. This got morphed for political reasons into "prevent the spread" which is not even close to the same thing. They completely discounted herd immunity and in fact, insisted that with COVID, herd immunity did not exist. this is of course an out right lie and as anti-science as it gets. Once you recognize that the government is lying to you about something so basic, it is hard to trust anything else they say on the subject. They lied about the origins of the virus and called any one who suggested the possibility of a lab leak a "conspiracy theory". Has anyone apologized for that lie???? Nope. No one ever accused the Chinese of releasing the virus deliberately. That would be an act of war and too terrible to even contemplate. However, there is ample evidence that the Chinese knew of the dangers months before we did and actively hid them from us all the while trying to buy up all the PPE and palliative drugs on the market while protecting their own but leaving us to fend for ourselves without the necessary medical equipment. When they shut down plane travel between Wuhan and the rest of China but allowed international flights, they were certainly not being good world citizens. THEY cost hundreds of thousands of lives by these evil actions.

There are populations which are known to be in more danger than others. THOSE are the people who need to be protected. For the rest of us, it is less dangerous to just catch the disease and recover with natural anti-bodies than to risk the "vaccine" which doesn't prevent you from catching COVID anyway.

I am not anti-vax. I took the "vaccine" but will never take the boosters now that the truth is out.

The first study that was published by a university in London was projecting a 10% mortality rate. That sent the world into a tizzy. Turns out the mortality rate was closer to .2% when you count accurately as we used to and are recasting the counts currently to reflect. Did anyone ever apologize? Nope!

I hope you watched the video in #23. Those are the facts (taken from our own official websites) should you care to listen to them.
Last edited:

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 18:56
Jul 9, 2003
This is the truth people! They have been to university, they have degrees in everything! The way you bring your children up is not correct, they will tell you how to do it properly. You cannot know because you are not a fully trained university derived person. Therefore the transvestite teacher knows best and we'll teach your children all about sex.

They are shutting down every avenue you have to gather information and weigh it yourself. You don't have the skill to do this because you don't have the education.

The following video clip is from (my guess from the accent) New Zealand or possibly Australia. But I reckon it represents the general type of people who in all your government should not be allowed to be in charge.



Active member
Local time
Today, 18:56
Dec 31, 2020
This is the truth people! They have been to university, they have degrees in everything!
There was a time in the 20th century when youngsters went to university and worked for a degree over three years.
Today they maybe have lectures on a couple of days a week. The lecturers will maybe work 12 hours a week, so plenty of time to go on strike or dream up trivial nonsense.

From what I can see a degree in the 21st century is nothing like as challenging, comprehensive, or useful and could easily be completed in one year if push came to shove.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 18:56
Feb 22, 2002
There was a time in the 20th century when youngsters went to university and worked for a degree over three years.
Yes, it was an accolade to get into uni. It was always the 'professional ' careers that required a degree - doctors, vet, dentists, solicitors and the like.
Nowadays over 70% of teens go to uni to learn crap like media studies, you can even get a degree on The Beatles. Going to uni for 3 or 4 years is a cop out of getting out there and learning a useful trade and earning a living by having an apprenticeship. I read that a high percentage of uni leavers can't get a job armed with their useless degree no employer cares about, so they sponge off the taxpayer and live on the dole.
So called graduates can go years without lifting a finger to earn a living.


George Hepworth
Local time
Today, 10:56
Nov 25, 2004
I made up my mind on the Covid injections the day my Primary Care Physician said to me, "Well, before we finish up today, I'm supposed to ask you to get the booster. Do you want to?"

My response, "Well, if you put it that way, No. No I don't."

Let's be clear. Most of us are either neutral or opposed to the use of experimental vaccines which are rushed into use with little or no testing. Most of us have had other vaccines over the years and benefited from that.

We are not "anti-vaxxers". That term was coined as a smear against those who prefer not to be intimidated into taking the experimental, untested vaccine in this specific instance. It's of no value in an objective discussion of the potential benefits and risks in this case.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 13:56
Feb 19, 2002
so they sponge off the taxpayer and live on the dole.
No, they go home to mommy and daddy. Healthy young adults can't just live on the dole unless of course they are illegal aliens. Those people we put up in 3 star hotels in major cities as well as provide food, clothing, cell phones, and food stamps. Possibly walking around money but who knows. Citizens who are mentally ill, drug addicted, or simply suffering from long term unemployment, we allow to live on the street and fend for themselves because they don't count. THOUSANDS of illegal aliens are invading our country every single day and no one seems to care. We put them on busses or planes (no photo ID required if you are in the country illegally because you are "special") and send them wherever they want to go. Just see what happens to a citizen if he tries to board a plane without a photo ID. Sanctuary cities are finally beginning to notice. They've been virtue signalling for years but now that the illegals are coming in overwhelmingly large numbers, they are complaining that the feds need to give them more money. They aren't saying the border should be closed, only that they need more money. After all, hotel rooms are going for $400 per night and the illegals seriously object to having to share a room. I wonder if they are "entitled" to private hospital rooms also.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 13:56
Feb 19, 2002
That is not true.
The statistics were coming from the CDC's own website. Did you check there? There is a website connected to the CDC site where they track all reported interactions with vaccines.
Videos from the internet are not compelling empirical scientific evidence. Any dolt can make a video and send it to you tube.
You are absolutely correct. You might want to fact check some that you watch;)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:56
May 22, 2010
Before science was hijacked natural immunity was king and there were only two genders. Now we have woke science and censorship where pre-woke views are not allowed.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 13:56
Feb 19, 2002
Thank you for the link, @jpl458, which shows that the anti-vaxxers will lay blame anywhere to support their conspiracy-theory-driven agenda. The numbers in the study make it clear that there is a minimal added risk for using the indicated vaccines.
The study was very limited and used the wrong study group.

COVID is most dangerous to the elderly and the ill. It is NOT dangerous to the young and healthy. The CDC and FDA and all the other researchers have known this from the first six months of the epidemic. Those statistics are quite clear should you choose to review them.

I don't think any one here who has suggested that the "vaccine" might be dangerous has suggested that the elderly and ill should not take the jab. The question revolves around FORCING the young and healthy to take a medicine that doesn't prevent them from catching a disease or from spreading it and where the "vaccine" has not had any long trials as are REQUIRED for real vaccines.

A real study would have used healthy children under 18 to see whether it was more dangerous to take the "vaccine" or take your chances with COVID. We know that it is probably better for the elderly to take the "vaccine" than to not take it. It is the CHILDREN who are being endangered for the sake of money (Big Pharma and the political donations they provide) and power (the teacher's unions).

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