Creating a form on a linked table


Registered User.
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Today, 16:32
Jun 10, 2011
This might be quite a simplistic problem but I still haven't found a solution yet. I have 3 tables: Companies, Trading and Products.

The Companies table contains a list of our client companies (and associated info), the Product table contains a list of the different products we offer (and associated info) and the Trading table contains information about all of the transactions which we make.

The Companies table and Products table are linked to the Trading table via common CompanyID and ProductID fields respectively.

I want to create a form on the Trading table to allow me to input transaction information as it is obtained. However, on my form I would like to be able to select (using a combobox) the Company and Product by name rather than ID as this is more recognizable.

When I create a combobox linked to e.g. the Company Name field in the Company table it adds records to this table rather than my Trading table. Do I need to link the tables by name rather than ID in order to achieve this?

Any advice on this matter would be much appreciated!
Send a short example of your MDB, (access 2000 or 2002-2003).
Here is a basic example of the Access 2007 though


I said "your MDB", your access application.
Attach is a MDB version, I'v changed the textboxes to combobox so that it displays the Name of company and product, BUT stores the ID's in the table

Look at the Rowsource, number of column and column widths properties on how to do this.



Thanks JANR...that is exactly what I was trying to do!

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