Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
' Module : basSQLParser
' Author : Excerpt from Access 2007 VBA - Programmer's Reference - Wrox WW
' Date :
' Purpose :
Public Sub ParseSQL(ByVal strSQL As String, _
ByRef strSelect As String, _
ByRef strWhere As String, _
ByRef strOrderBy As String, _
ByRef strGROUPBY As String, _
ByRef strHAVING As String)
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
'This subroutine accepts a valid SQL string and passes back separated
' strSQL valid SQL string to parse
' strSELECT SELECT portion of SQL (includes JOIN info)
' strWHERE WHERE portion of SQL
' strORDERBY ORDER BY portion of SQL
' strGROUPBY GROUP BY portion of SQL
' strHAVING HAVING portion of SQL
Dim intStartSELECT As Integer
Dim intStartWHERE As Integer
Dim intStartORDERBY As Integer
Dim intStartGROUPBY As Integer
Dim intStartHAVING As Integer
Dim intLenSELECT As Integer
Dim intLenWHERE As Integer
Dim intLenORDERBY As Integer
Dim intLenGROUPBY As Integer
Dim intLenHAVING As Integer
Dim intLenSQL As Integer
intStartSELECT = InStr(strSQL, "SELECT ")
intStartWHERE = InStr(strSQL, "WHERE ")
intStartORDERBY = InStr(strSQL, "ORDER BY ")
intStartGROUPBY = InStr(strSQL, "GROUP BY ")
intStartHAVING = InStr(strSQL, "HAVING ")
'if there's no GROUP BY, there can't be a HAVING
If intStartGROUPBY = 0 Then
intStartHAVING = 0
End If
If InStr(strSQL, ";") Then 'if it exists, trim off the ';'
strSQL = Left(strSQL, InStr(strSQL, ";") - 1)
End If
intLenSQL = Len(strSQL)
' find length of Select portion
If intStartSELECT > 0 Then
' start with longest it could be
intLenSELECT = intLenSQL - intStartSELECT + 1
If intStartWHERE > 0 And intStartWHERE > intStartSELECT _
And intStartWHERE < intStartSELECT + intLenSELECT Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenSELECT = intStartWHERE - intStartSELECT
End If
If intStartORDERBY > 0 And intStartORDERBY > intStartSELECT _
And intStartORDERBY < intStartSELECT + intLenSELECT Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenSELECT = intStartORDERBY - intStartSELECT
End If
If intStartGROUPBY > 0 And intStartGROUPBY > intStartSELECT _
And intStartGROUPBY < intStartSELECT + intLenSELECT Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenSELECT = intStartGROUPBY - intStartSELECT
End If
If intStartHAVING > 0 And intStartHAVING > intStartSELECT _
And intStartHAVING < intStartSELECT + intLenSELECT Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenSELECT = intStartHAVING - intStartSELECT
End If
End If
' find length of GROUPBY portion
If intStartGROUPBY > 0 Then
' start with longest it could be
intLenGROUPBY = intLenSQL - intStartGROUPBY + 1
If intStartWHERE > 0 And intStartWHERE > intStartGROUPBY _
And intStartWHERE < intStartGROUPBY + intLenGROUPBY Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenGROUPBY = intStartWHERE - intStartGROUPBY
End If
If intStartORDERBY > 0 And intStartORDERBY > intStartGROUPBY _
And intStartORDERBY < intStartGROUPBY + intLenGROUPBY Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenGROUPBY = intStartORDERBY - intStartGROUPBY
End If
If intStartHAVING > 0 And intStartHAVING > intStartGROUPBY _
And intStartHAVING < intStartGROUPBY + intLenGROUPBY Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenGROUPBY = intStartHAVING - intStartGROUPBY
End If
End If
' find length of HAVING portion
If intStartHAVING > 0 Then
' start with longest it could be
intLenHAVING = intLenSQL - intStartHAVING + 1
If intStartWHERE > 0 And intStartWHERE > intStartHAVING _
And intStartWHERE < intStartHAVING + intLenHAVING Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenHAVING = intStartWHERE - intStartHAVING
End If
If intStartORDERBY > 0 And intStartORDERBY > intStartHAVING _
And intStartORDERBY < intStartHAVING + intLenHAVING Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenHAVING = intStartORDERBY - intStartHAVING
End If
If intStartGROUPBY > 0 And intStartGROUPBY > intStartHAVING _
And intStartGROUPBY < intStartHAVING + intLenHAVING Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenHAVING = intStartGROUPBY - intStartHAVING
End If
End If
' find length of ORDERBY portion
If intStartORDERBY > 0 Then
' start with longest it could be
intLenORDERBY = intLenSQL - intStartORDERBY + 1
If intStartWHERE > 0 And intStartWHERE > intStartORDERBY _
And intStartWHERE < intStartORDERBY + intLenORDERBY Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenORDERBY = intStartWHERE - intStartORDERBY
End If
If intStartGROUPBY > 0 And intStartGROUPBY > intStartORDERBY _
And intStartGROUPBY < intStartORDERBY + intLenORDERBY Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenORDERBY = intStartGROUPBY - intStartORDERBY
End If
If intStartHAVING > 0 And intStartHAVING > intStartORDERBY _
And intStartHAVING < intStartORDERBY + intLenORDERBY Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenORDERBY = intStartHAVING - intStartORDERBY
End If
End If
' find length of WHERE portion
If intStartWHERE > 0 Then
' start with longest it could be
intLenWHERE = intLenSQL - intStartWHERE + 1
If intStartGROUPBY > 0 And intStartGROUPBY > intStartWHERE _
And intStartGROUPBY < intStartWHERE + intLenWHERE Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenWHERE = intStartGROUPBY - intStartWHERE
End If
If intStartORDERBY > 0 And intStartORDERBY > intStartWHERE _
And intStartORDERBY < intStartWHERE + intLenWHERE Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenWHERE = intStartORDERBY - intStartWHERE
End If
If intStartHAVING > 0 And intStartHAVING > intStartWHERE _
And intStartHAVING < intStartWHERE + intLenWHERE Then
'we found a new portion closer to this one
intLenWHERE = intStartHAVING - intStartWHERE
End If
End If
' set each output portion
If intStartSELECT > 0 Then
strSelect = Mid$(strSQL, intStartSELECT, intLenSELECT)
End If
If intStartGROUPBY > 0 Then
strGROUPBY = Mid$(strSQL, intStartGROUPBY, intLenGROUPBY)
End If
If intStartHAVING > 0 Then
strHAVING = Mid$(strSQL, intStartHAVING, intLenHAVING)
End If
If intStartORDERBY > 0 Then
strOrderBy = Mid$(strSQL, intStartORDERBY, intLenORDERBY)
End If
If intStartWHERE > 0 Then
strWhere = Mid$(strSQL, intStartWHERE, intLenWHERE)
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox (err.Number & ": " & err.Description)
Resume Exit_Procedure
End Sub
Public Function ReplaceWhereClause(ByVal strSQL As String, ByVal strNewWHERE As String) As String
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
'This subroutine accepts a valid SQL string and Where clause, and
'returns the same SQL statement with the original Where clause (if any)
'replaced by the passed in Where clause.
' strSQL valid SQL string to change
' strNewWHERE New WHERE clause to insert into SQL statement
Dim strSelect As String, strWhere As String
Dim strOrderBy As String, strGROUPBY As String, strHAVING As String
Call ParseSQL(strSQL, strSelect, strWhere, strOrderBy, _
ReplaceWhereClause = BuildSQLString(strSelect, strNewWHERE, strOrderBy, _
Exit Function
MsgBox (err.Number & ": " & err.Description)
Resume Exit_Procedure
End Function
Public Function ReplaceOrderByClause(ByVal strSQL As String, ByVal strNewOrderBy As String) As String
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
' strSQL valid SQL string to change
' strNewOrderBy New OrderBy clause to insert into SQL statement
Dim strSelect As String, strWhere As String
Dim strOrderBy As String, strGROUPBY As String, strHAVING As String
Call ParseSQL(strSQL, strSelect, strWhere, strOrderBy, _
ReplaceOrderByClause = BuildSQLString(strSelect, strWhere, strNewOrderBy, _
Exit Function
MsgBox (err.Number & ": " & err.Description)
Resume Exit_Procedure
End Function
Private Function BuildSQLString(ByVal strSelect As String, ByVal strWhere As String, ByVal strOrderBy As String, _
ByVal strGROUPBY As String, ByVal strHAVING As String) As String
BuildSQLString = strSelect
If strWhere <> "" Then BuildSQLString = BuildSQLString & " WHERE " & strWhere
If strGROUPBY <> "" Then BuildSQLString = BuildSQLString & " GROUP BY " & strGROUPBY
If strHAVING <> "" Then BuildSQLString = BuildSQLString & " HAVING " & strHAVING
If strOrderBy <> "" Then BuildSQLString = BuildSQLString & " ORDER BY " & strOrderBy
BuildSQLString = Replace(BuildSQLString, " ", " ")
End Function