Criteria last tuesday of the next month


Access Developer
Local time
Today, 09:12
Feb 28, 2012
I have read through all the date threads I could find but didn't see a solution. I need my query criteria to be >the last tues of next month. How would I write this?

Thank you.
I would make it a function using this code:

Function getNextMonthLastTuesday() As Date
    ' returns date of last tuesday of next month
Dim ret As Date
ret = DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date) + 2, 0)
    ' gets date of last day of next month

daystosubtract = Weekday(ret)
If (daystosubtract >= 3) Then daystosubtract = daystosubtract - 3 Else daystosubtract = daystosubtract + 4
    'determines how many days prior to ret that Tuesday occured, will be subtracted from ret
getNextMonthLastTuesday = DateAdd("d", -1 * daystosubtract, ret)

End Function

Then use getNextMonthLastTuesday() to return the value wherever you need to use it.
I get the "Undefiend function in expression error when the query runs.
Where have you put the functions code. It needs to be in a general module, not in a forms module.
I put it in a general module. I've attached a screen shot. thank you.


  • module.jpg
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I figured it out. The module name cannot be the same as the function name. It works now. thank you.

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