My app is designed to be simple for the end user but behind the scenes it is indeed complex.
It shows how to build up SQL strings for various filter criteria which I do 'step by step' when developing.
For info, I tend to use dynamic column headings in reports based on crosstab queries though there aren't any in that example
If interested, there is an example report showing that approach in this example app:
The best books will depend on your level of knowledge
Many people really like the Access Inside Out books (for various versions of Access- I have the 2013 book but rarely use it.
My top pick is the two volume set Access 2000 Developers Handbook (a 2002 version also exists)
Although 20 years old, most of the code is still applicable though the user interface is obviously now very different
Both of those books are long since out of print but available secondhand online at a low price .... but these are high level books
If you like learning from videos, I recommend the set of Access 2013 videos by Steve Bishop. Over 100 in all, totally free and covering everything from beginners through to advanced