Custom combo list


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Today, 21:56
Jul 11, 2004
Hi All

Is it possible to have a combo box where the available selections are derived from a table AND custom data.

A master table has a list of publications, in format MMMYYYY, viz. JAN2007, MAR2007, MAY2007, etc (it's a bi-monthly journal)

We are tracking advertisers in each issue, with the need to identify when their advertising expires.

Some advertisers buy a block of issues, say 3 or 6, so we can enter the actual future issue their advertising expires.

But some advertising is on an "Until Further Notice" (UFN) basis.

Can the combo list be made up of all the issues in the master publication table, PLUS the code "UFN"?

This would prevent users entering an issue name that was not yet in the database, but also allow for UFN (and any other codes that may be introduced.)

Any/all assistance appreciated.

Try a union query. Here's a link that shows you how:

Let me know if you have a problem with it. it worked for me.
Here's a quick rundown:

-Create a new query in design view
-Cancel the show table wizard
-click on SQL view
-Enter your syntax Here is an example
Select "UFN" as publications from tblmastertable union SELECTtblmastertable.publications FROM tblmastertable
-UFN being the word you want to add to the table, tblmastertable being the table name and publications being the field name in the table named tblemastertable
-after that save the query and name it
-go to your combo box and choose the query as your row source
Hey Motleyjew, nice one. Never thought of that!

Many thanks.

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