Data Extraction From an .msg File

make sure the variables j and bytPostCode is defined on your addToTable sub

dim j as Long
dim bytPostCode as Byte
Hi arnelgp,

Just got back into office checked that sub and both variables are declared as per your post.

I will run the process again with a smaller number of .msg files and see what happens.


Hi arnelgp,

I've re-run the program after checking that those variable were correctly declared as per your post and the same problem occured.

Could it be that the postcode field is empty, I have checked each of the text files and found that not all the postcode fields have a postcode in them, could it be that, that is causing the error message to generate.


sorry for late reply plz, give me more .msg files (those troubled one) and i will check.
Hi arnelgp,

Please find attached some more .msg files containing both with and without postcode information in all three postcode fields.

Your assistance is most appreciated.




pls. see attached.


Hi arnelgp,

Thank you for all your help, that worked, can I ask what was the problem that caused the code error out, was it the fact there were postcodes with no postcode information or was it something else.

Anyway your help has been fantastic.

Thank you again

it was my mistake i was looking for the word "vaillantthinksahead" in the .msg file when it was changed to "" in the new .msg files.

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