I do not know, you tell me. Go to table design view and tell me the datatype of tblSzovet.[Azonosító]
It could be text, double, long etc. I just can tell what it looks like, you can tell me what it is.
If IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
Me.RecordSource = "qry_SzovetTarolas"
Me.RecordSource = "SELECT qry_SzovetTarolas.* FROM qry_SzovetTarolas WHERE qry_SzovetTarolas.[Azonosító] = " & CLng(Me.OpenArgs)
'Me.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM qry_SzovetTarolas WHERE [Azonosító] = " & CLng(Me.OpenArgs)
End If
FROM qry_SzovetTarolas ?? tblSzovet.[Azonosító]
In the query, only fields from the "table" can come from the FROM part.
OpenArgs returns NULL or a string. A passed number must be converted back into a number using a type conversion.
If IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
Me.RecordSource = "qry_SzovetTarolas"
Me.RecordSource = "SELECT qry_SzovetTarolas.* FROM qry_SzovetTarolas WHERE qry_SzovetTarolas.[Azonosító] = " & CLng(Me.OpenArgs)
'Me.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM qry_SzovetTarolas WHERE [Azonosító] = " & CLng(Me.OpenArgs)
End If
FROM qry_SzovetTarolas ?? tblSzovet.[Azonosító]
In the query, only fields from the "table" can come from the FROM part.
OpenArgs returns NULL or a string. A passed number must be converted back into a number using a type conversion.