K krc547 Member Local time Today, 00:20 Joined Sep 1, 2023 Messages 38 Nov 1, 2023 #21 I created a copy of the whole db and sent it to a friend, he did a change to one of the tables to fix it (nothing to do with the login) and sent it back. The one he sent back is the one that freezes up or doesn't work with the login.
I created a copy of the whole db and sent it to a friend, he did a change to one of the tables to fix it (nothing to do with the login) and sent it back. The one he sent back is the one that freezes up or doesn't work with the login.
cheekybuddha AWF VIP Local time Today, 05:20 Joined Jul 21, 2014 Messages 2,843 Nov 1, 2023 #22 OK, did you attempt the decompile/compact and repair?
cheekybuddha AWF VIP Local time Today, 05:20 Joined Jul 21, 2014 Messages 2,843 Nov 1, 2023 #23 Also, does it have a backend that it's supposed to be linked to? If so, did you re-link the backend when you got it back?
Also, does it have a backend that it's supposed to be linked to? If so, did you re-link the backend when you got it back?
K krc547 Member Local time Today, 00:20 Joined Sep 1, 2023 Messages 38 Nov 1, 2023 #24 It does have a backend and I did relink it once I got it back. I have not decompiled/compact yet. I waiting for the admin to get back to me.
It does have a backend and I did relink it once I got it back. I have not decompiled/compact yet. I waiting for the admin to get back to me.
cheekybuddha AWF VIP Local time Today, 05:20 Joined Jul 21, 2014 Messages 2,843 Nov 1, 2023 #25 Ok, keep us posted with progress. Is the db mentioned in your screenshot the backend? Perhaps double-check that all table were properly re-linked.
Ok, keep us posted with progress. Is the db mentioned in your screenshot the backend? Perhaps double-check that all table were properly re-linked.
K krc547 Member Local time Today, 00:20 Joined Sep 1, 2023 Messages 38 Nov 1, 2023 #26 It won't even let me open it without holding the shift key, or it locks up.
K krc547 Member Local time Today, 00:20 Joined Sep 1, 2023 Messages 38 Nov 1, 2023 #27 The screenshot is fe, but I did recheck the be and everything is linked.
K krc547 Member Local time Today, 00:20 Joined Sep 1, 2023 Messages 38 Nov 1, 2023 #28 His instructions say open any module and compile/decompile. I have no modules to open.
cheekybuddha AWF VIP Local time Today, 05:20 Joined Jul 21, 2014 Messages 2,843 Nov 1, 2023 #29 To decompile, you need to use a special command line argument to open the db. It will then be in a decompiled state. Then, compact and repair (from the Access Tools menu) Then open any code module (e.g. a form's module), and go to the Debug menu and choose Compile. Then compact and repair again.
To decompile, you need to use a special command line argument to open the db. It will then be in a decompiled state. Then, compact and repair (from the Access Tools menu) Then open any code module (e.g. a form's module), and go to the Debug menu and choose Compile. Then compact and repair again.