What do you mean by "overlay the previous copy"
You said these are "temp" tables. That means that you create them, fill them, and then either discard them or delete/refill them using code. The process to use the template BE is to have the temp tables already defined and empty. When you need to import the temp data or create it as part of some other process, your code copies the Temp_WorkTables.accdb to your local folder as WorkTables.accdb. That automagically replaces any existing copy of WorkTables.accdb.
To start the process.
1. create the temp BE
2. copy the temp BE to your standard working folder, renaming it in the process
3. link to the table(s) in the WorkTables.accdb
Then your code simply copies the temp version to replace the working version. NO tables need to be relinked. As long as the BE and table names are consistent, the links don't break. Since the working copy of the temp BE is never deleted, there is always a copy in your working directory unless you manually delete it - which you shouldn't.
I use a different name for the template Be than the working copy simply to avoid confusion. I always know what the "master" copy is and don't accidentally use it instead of the working copy.
I don't use a separate launcher. I include the copy code in the process that uses the table. That allows the data to persist in the temp table until I need to replace it. So, for example, I might only need a new version of the copied data once a month. That means I only run the "process" once a month and the data stays in the temp table for a month until it is overlayed.