Date Calculation


Registered User.
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Today, 17:42
Jun 12, 2017
Hi all,

I need some assistance please

I need to calculate a series of dates and month and not sure on the way forward

Installation Date - 2022/02/01
Frequency - 24 Months
Todays Date - 2022/03/03
Consumed - 2 Months

Formula= Installed Date + Frequency - Today's Date - Consumed
Result to be in Months

I assume I need to use DateDiff in conjunction with DateAdd
Last edited:
Formula= Installed Date + Frequency - Today's Date - Consumed
Result to be in Months
apostrophes and ampersands are not allowed in names as spaces and other separators
Something like

Firstpart = Dateadd([InstalledDate],"m",[Frequency) 
SecondPart = Datadd(Date(), "m", -[Consumed])

Result = FirstPart - SecondPart
DateDiff("m",Date,DateAdd("m",[Frequency], [Installation Date])) - (DateDiff("m", [Installation Date], Date)+1)
I need to calculate a series of dates and month and not sure on the way forward
it is not clear what you need - to count and lay out several dates

possible dates=2022/02/01 will be dates with a periodicity of 24 or 2 months

2022/02/01 2024/02/01 2026/02/01 ....
2022/02/01 2022/04/01 2022/06/01 ....
DateDiff("m",Date,DateAdd("m",[Frequency], [Installation Date])) - (DateDiff("m", [Installation Date], Date)+1)
Why does Date add "m" give me a weird date when adding a date and 24 months?

Expr1: DateAdd("m",[Overview Tbl]![Installation Date 1],[Overview Tbl]![TBO 2])


The date field is formatted
what is your installation date 1?
see query1.


expr1: DateAdd("M", 24, [Overview Tbl]![Installation Date 1])
Am I missing something here?

I replaced the - with a , as this is the DateDiff

DateDiff (DateAdd("m",[Overview Tbl]![TBO 2],[Overview Tbl]![Installation Date 1]) , (DateAdd("m",[Overview Tbl]![Consumed 1],Date()))
Don't format dates in tables, do that on the forms controls.
Formatting is for display purposes, not for storing data.

Did you try the breakdown - it can be amalgamated into one single line - but while debugging breaking things into stages, especially when you are unfamiliar with the syntax can be very beneficial to getting things right.

Edit : my syntax is out apologies written in haste

Firstpart = Dateadd("m",[Frequency],[InstalledDate])
SecondPart = Dateadd("m", -[Consumed], Date() )

Result = FirstPart - SecondPart
what is your installation date 1?
see query1.
Installation date is 2022/02/01

There is also a Consumed which is in months

Installation Date - 2022/02/01
Frequency - 24 Months
Todays Date - 2022/03/03
Consumed - 2 Months

Formula= Installed Date + Frequency - Today's Date - Consumed
Result to be in Months
Well according to your formula?
based on your sample (maybe i am wrong), Consumed can be calculated from [Installation Date]:

(DateDiff("m",[Installation Date 1],Date())-(Day(Date())>=Day([Installation Date 1])))

which means:

month difference between [installation date] and [today's date] +
add 1 if [today's day] >= [installation date day].

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