Days left in the year from a date


Not Bright but TENACIOUS
Local time
Today, 05:44
Aug 9, 2010
I have a control on a form that the user will input a date. I need to know how many days are left in the year to use that number as variable in my code. So far I found things about DateDiff but I only have the start date not the end date.

Which would be StartDate + # of days left in the year = EndDate

I am looking for # of days left in the year
You can use the DateSerial() function for the end date, using Year(StartDate) for the Year argument.
You can use DateSerial to determine the last day of the year, then use that in your DateDiff function;

DateDiff("d", [YourDate], DateSerial(Year([YourDate],12,31))
You can use DateSerial to determine the last day of the year, then use that in your DateDiff function;

DateDiff("d", [YourDate], DateSerial(Year([YourDate],12,31))

Right concept, wrong execution. ;)
The Year(StartDate) gives me 2013. I am trying to get 266 from the date $/9/2012.
Currently I am using the following but want to change it so the user only has to enter one date value.
For nStartDate = (Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]![argdate]) To (Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]![argenddate]) + 30
With argdate as the starting date (ex. today 4/9/2012)
I need the number 266 (# of days left in the year) nDaysLeft
So I can change the code to read:
For nStartDate = (Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]![argdate]) To (Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]![argenddate]) + nDaysLeft

I hope that explanation is clear .
I want the code to read:
For nStartDate = (Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]![argdate]) To (Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]![argdate]) + nDaysLeft
With (Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]![argdate]) as the only input date.
What exactly is your code? You'd need to use whatever field or form control that holds the date you want to start from.
Hi -

Try playing with this:

x = date()
? x
y = dateserial(year(x), 13, 0)
? y
? datediff("d", x, y)

Best wishes - Bob
Here is the entire code. It works the way it is but requires the user to input 12/31 of the year in [argdate]. Note the comment in the code where I want to eliminate the user having to input the last day of the year in the form textbox [argenddate]. I thought is would easy to get the number of days left in the year and use that value to set the last day.

Function fnFirstDayInMonth(Optional dtmDate As Date = 0) As Date
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Set db = CurrentDb()
Dim MonthDays As Integer

Dim nStartDate As Date
For nStartDate = (Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]![argdate]) To (Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]![argenddate]) + MonthDays
' I am trying to eliminate this textbox [argenddate]on the form

dmonth = DatePart("m", nStartDate)
Monthtxt = MonthName(Month(nStartDate))

fnFirstDayInMonth = DateSerial(Year(nStartDate), Month(nStartDate), 1)

MonthDays = DateSerial(Year(nStartDate), Month(nStartDate) + 1, 1) - DateSerial(Year(nStartDate), Month(nStartDate), 1)

Debug.Print "nStartDate " & nStartDate & " # of Days in StartDate " & MonthDays & " Value of fnFirstDayinMonth " & fnFirstDayInMonth & " Month#:" & dmonth & "Monthtxt: " & Monthtxt

nStartDate = nStartDate + MonthDays

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [Vendor Budget]")
With rst
![IncomeDate] = fnFirstDayInMonth
![VENDOR] = Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]!CmbVendor
![Budget Income] = Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]!BudgetIncome
![Actual Income] = Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]!BudgetIncome
![Year] = Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]!xyear
![Month] = dmonth
![Month Text] = Monthtxt
End With

Next nStartDate
MsgBox " Records Added for " & Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]!CmbVendor & " for " & Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]!xyear

End Function
Why does the user have to key it in when you can hard-code it into the DateSerial function?
I guess that is what I am struggling on how to do that. Can you guide me as to how to do it? Thanks Paul !
DateSerial(Year(Forms![Annual Vendor Budget Input]![argdate]),12,31)

Right concept, wrong execution. ;)

How so. OP said he wants the number of days left in the year based on a date input by the user -

I am looking for # of days left in the year

which is exactly what my suggestion returns.

Thanks to Paul and Sean. I used Pauls solution with date serial because I have never seen code with the ? mark in front and dont know how to use it. Thanks to both.
Happy to help. The ? is how you test code in the VBA Immediate window. You wouldn't include it in actual use.

I stand corrected. There is indeed a typo (missing paren) in my previous post. Thanks for catching that.


I have never seen code with the ? mark in front and dont know how to use it.

That was an example from the immediate window (Ctrl + G) in the VBA editor. It's a convenient way to test things and see what result is returned. When doing so, you precede it with a question mark.
So I can LEARN something new what is the correct syntax for
?DateDiff("d",Date(),DateSerial(Year(Date()),12,31 ))
Do i put it in a module as a sub or directly in the immediate window?
Directly in the immediate window:


  • Immediate.jpg
    13.1 KB · Views: 110
Got it. I love to learn something new. Makes me feel like a new baby. Very much Appreciated. Thanks again Paul MVP Lifetime!!!

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