Dedupe and matchkey macro (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Today, 10:23
Nov 20, 2018

I need to run a dedupe macro based on the following,

Files supplied fields: Title, Forename, surname, address line 1 & postcode

I want to run a dedupe and flag where the files match on the following Criteria, address line 1 & postcode and create an additional field which states the matching criteria used

I would also like to build a matchkey on all the files based on the first 8 characters in address line 1 and the postcode and any spaces removed so would look like (36the streetSE94TH) and then run a dedupe and flag the records that match.

I have the below macro which imports all files in a set folder and append the file name, so would like to incorporate the above request in to this macro and run one process.

Public Sub btnImport_click()
ImportFilesInDir "c:\addresspoint"
End Sub

Public Sub ImportFilesInDir(ByVal pvDir)
Dim FSO, oFolder, oFile, oRX
Dim sTxt As String, sFile As String, sSql As String

On Error GoTo errGetFiles

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFolder = FSO.GetFolder(pvDir)

If Right(pvDir, 1) <> "" Then pvDir = pvDir & ""

For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
If InStr(oFile.Name, ".csv") > 0 Then 'import file here
sFile = pvDir & oFile.Name
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelimi, , "P VSK Merged", sFile

sSql = "update [PETA VSK Merged] set filename ='" & sFile & "' where FILENAME is null"
DoCmd.RunSQL sSql
End If

DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Set oFile = Nothing
Set oFolder = Nothing
Set FSO = Nothing
Exit Sub

If Err = 3265 Then 'catch error if NO Import table errors
' "no errors found"
Resume Next
MsgBox Err.Description, , Err
End If
End Sub


Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 18:23
Jul 9, 2003
I've noticed that your post has yet to receive a reply. I'm posting this message to bump it up the list so that it gets a second view.

I believe there are two possible reasons you have yet to receive an answer. One is that most developers do not use macros. The second, you have asked multiple questions in one post which makes it difficult for people to decide which question to answer. They probably leave yours and find a clearer/concise question. That's what I would do.

In the query builder grid there is an "Unmatched Query" option. I think you should explore and experiment with that it may lead you to the solution.

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