Delusional people exist...

@Uncle Gizmo I’m sorry to kill the pleasure here, but this clip was circulated around 6 months ago in TikTok, then in instagram and later in Twitter. There were a lot of replies to the clip that proved she’s an anti-vegan activist who has made this clip to prove vegans are wrong. There was also links to her personal social media profiles and clips that showed the proofs were reliable.

Even if all the shown proofs were not true, One thing that can be said for sure is, why she uploaded the clip? If she’s a real vegetarian, and she wants to show her point, why she uploaded it? It‘s really destroying her vegan propaganda. She could simply delete and not uploading it. But she chose to upload. Then the question Remains. what’s her point? There’s only one possibility and it‘s harvesting views and likes. Which in turn doesn’t prove anything against vegetarians.

You keep posting a lot of links to YouTube or other social media. I don’t know if it’s just to bring some laugh or prove your point. If it’s just for a laugh, it should go to Jokes thread. If you’re serious and want to show how they are wrong, I think at least it should be a descent fight.

I really hate to indicate the falseness of some clips. Some of them have a background that you don’t see or prefer not to mention. So I simply don’t comment on them. But don’t forget. If you choose to show proofs from SNS, you should have it in mind that nothing on social media can be trusted until you know the poster or at least have done a background research.

PS: I’m not a vegan and I hate them. I only think it’s not fair to use something like this post against them.
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I expressly don't hate or even dislike vegans. I dislike crusading vegans and proselytizing vegans.

After all, if they don't eat meat of any kind, that's more meat that can go into south Louisiana cuisine such as sausages, jambalaya, gumbo, and many ham-seasoned vegetable dishes. Like my wife's green beans and her Cajun-variant chili with beans.

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