Design Question (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 18:04
Jun 23, 2010
So far I have been working on a huge database for work. In fact, I wouldn't call it a database anymore. It works and feels like any regular program. I have like 2 years of on and off work into it. The database is massive, mutliuser log-ins, mutli-tables and forms... with a little more work into it and I could run the entire company on it (purchasing, engineering, financial, punch clock info, inventory and so on).
So my question is before I go SQL with it should I start programming it into a different language? The only thing I have messed around with is VBA in Access background. I have taught myself everything I know so far and I would most likely do the same if I were to re-program it to into Java or C.

If I gave it to a real programmer how much should I expect to pay to have it created in something like Java or C?

If I leave it in VBA with an access background and make it SQL with a backend how slow is it going to run? and how many users will be aloud on it?


Local time
Today, 17:04
Sep 6, 2010
as many users as you want most likely. slowness depends on factors like any other situation that can vary by speed. how many users? how much bandwidth use? how many concurrent users of the server? things like that. not to mention, processing time of the client processes in Access.

Why would you want to reprogram a database in Java? I'm not sure I understand. I don't think you can get much better data storage than robust systems like mysql or sql server, can you? What would be the purpose of writing it (whatever you're referring to) in C?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 18:04
Jun 23, 2010
If I rewrote it in C then it would be a standalone program, with some type of back end thats on a server. Besides that there are limits to what VBA can do... So far I have been work arounds to make things work how I want them to and look how I need them to look for user friendliness.


Local time
Today, 17:04
Sep 6, 2010
If I rewrote it in C then it would be a standalone program, with some type of back end thats on a server. Besides that there are limits to what VBA can do... So far I have been work arounds to make things work how I want them to and look how I need them to look for user friendliness.

I see. Then I guess that would make more sense. If you're interested in doing your own thing, Access is probably not the program to use.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 23:04
Feb 26, 2007
You can still front-end Access, personally I don't like Java as it is not discrete and if you trying to create dense [content rich] pages with java you end up with dense java pages.

Access 2007/2010 has free runtimes and both FE and runtimes can use Back End databases.

Creating a user-freindly application is a state of mind. You application environment is not going to do that by itself, providing you have an understanding of the requirements you can shape your application to be user friendly. Access can do that and with the latter versions the User Interface is not bad. It is important to remember that the application is more appropriate when it has the functionality and ease of use rather than just looking pretty.



Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 23:04
Sep 12, 2006
i wouldn't re-engineer, unless you are great in one of those languages

your dbs feels like a proper app - because it is one. the dbs manage (access, SQL or whatever) just manages the data - you are supplying all the logic.

Dairy Farmer

Registered User.
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Tomorrow, 01:04
Sep 23, 2010
Look at my signature for more info on Runtime and Deployment.

I agree that the BE should be moved to SQL.

Do some users only have access to some parts of the app? i.e finance never use forms that engineering use? If so you could look at splitting the front end into "sub apps". The app then becomes a suite of apps. Each FE still has access to the whole BE.

Think of it like MS Office.

There is also the option of migrating the app to Sharepoint.
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 23:04
Feb 9, 2009
I would reccommed BE SQL (MySQL) and a good tool to use with either of these would be Navicat it will be a great help at helping you migrating your data to SQL.


Ad astra
Local time
Today, 23:04
Sep 27, 2004
Conversion to C I suspect that would cost lots of money and take a very long time...


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 18:04
Jun 23, 2010
"Do some users only have access to some parts of the app? i.e finance never use forms that engineering use?"

Yes, Everyone has certain user permissions on log-in, and each form is separate. Financial people only use their stuff in order to get the numbers that they need out of the system. Same for the planners and buyers. The information is linked in the tables/queries but all the forms are separate and pull only the info that is needed for their particular job.

Thanks for the replys guys.. I will figure out how to set-up MySQL and not worry about converting it to C or Java or anything like that.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 23:04
Feb 26, 2007
You can create a Master version and spin separate version solely for finance and engineering. A simple way of do this is through a Menu system, three versions of a Main Menu: Master, Finance and Enginerring. Each Menu is then tailored for each function.


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