Solved Detect 4 Sequential/Consecutive characters within a string (2 Viewers)

Based on the mentioned evaluation with percentage progress, I made a small revision and now organized the output of the counts of the individual tests using a user-defined type.
Public Type PWElements
    LenPW As Long
    Numbers As Long
    Uppercase As Long
    Lowercase As Long
    SpecialCharacter As Long
    Repeat4 As Long
    Consecutive4 As Long
End Type

Public Function TestPassword(sPW As String) As PWElements
    Dim bytArrPW() As Byte
    Dim sDiff() As String
    Dim lCount As Long
    Dim sSeries As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim lNumber As Long
    Dim lUppercase As Long
    Dim lLowercase As Long
    Dim lSpecialCharacter As Long
    Dim myPWE As PWElements

    bytArrPW() = StrConv(sPW, vbFromUnicode)
    lCount = UBound(bytArrPW)
    ReDim sDiff(lCount)
    For i = 0 To lCount
        Select Case bytArrPW(i)
            Case 48 To 57
                lNumber = lNumber + 1
            Case 65 To 90
                lUppercase = lUppercase + 1
            Case 97 To 122
                lLowercase = lLowercase + 1
            Case 33 To 47, 58 To 64, 91 To 96
                lSpecialCharacter = lSpecialCharacter + 1
        End Select
    myPWE.LenPW = Len(sPW)
    myPWE.Numbers = lNumber
    myPWE.Uppercase = lUppercase
    myPWE.Lowercase = lLowercase
    myPWE.SpecialCharacter = lSpecialCharacter

    For i = 1 To lCount
        sDiff(i) = CLng(bytArrPW(i)) - CLng(bytArrPW(i - 1))
    sSeries = Join(sDiff, "|")

    myPWE.Repeat4 = UBound(Split(sSeries, "0|0|0|"))
    myPWE.Consecutive4 = UBound(Split(sSeries, "1|1|1|"))

    TestPassword = myPWE

End Function
Sub call_TestPW()
    Dim xPWE As PWElements
    xPWE = TestPassword("<TaaaaB2345%d@x")
    Debug.Print xPWE.LenPW, _
                xPWE.Numbers, _
                xPWE.Uppercase, _
                xPWE.Lowercase, _
                xPWE.SpecialCharacter, _
                xPWE.Repeat4, _
End Sub

I think this is very clear and easily expandable for additional tests.
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Based on the mentioned evaluation with percentage progress, I made a small revision and now organized the output of the counts of the individual tests using a user-defined type.
Public Type PWElements
    LenPW As Long
    Numbers As Long
    Uppercase As Long
    Lowercase As Long
    SpecialCharacter As Long
    Repeat4 As Long
    Consecutive4 As Long
End Type

Public Function TestPassword(sPW As String) As PWElements
    Dim bytArrPW() As Byte
    Dim sDiff() As String
    Dim lCount As Long
    Dim sSeries As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim lNumber As Long
    Dim lUppercase As Long
    Dim lLowercase As Long
    Dim lSpecialCharacter As Long
    Dim myPWE As PWElements

    bytArrPW() = StrConv(sPW, vbFromUnicode)
    lCount = UBound(bytArrPW)
    ReDim sDiff(lCount)
    For i = 0 To lCount
        Select Case bytArrPW(i)
            Case 48 To 57
                lNumber = lNumber + 1
            Case 65 To 90
                lUppercase = lUppercase + 1
            Case 97 To 122
                lLowercase = lLowercase + 1
            Case 33 To 47, 58 To 64, 91 To 96
                lSpecialCharacter = lSpecialCharacter + 1
        End Select
    myPWE.LenPW = Len(sPW)
    myPWE.Numbers = lNumber
    myPWE.Uppercase = lUppercase
    myPWE.Lowercase = lLowercase
    myPWE.SpecialCharacter = lSpecialCharacter

    For i = 1 To lCount
        sDiff(i) = CLng(bytArrPW(i)) - CLng(bytArrPW(i - 1))
    sSeries = Join(sDiff, "|")

    myPWE.Repeat4 = UBound(Split(sSeries, "0|0|0|"))
    myPWE.Consecutive4 = UBound(Split(sSeries, "1|1|1|"))

    TestPassword = myPWE

End Function
Sub call_TestPW()
    Dim xPWE As PWElements
    xPWE = TestPassword("<TaaaaB2345%d@x")
    Debug.Print xPWE.LenPW, _
                xPWE.Numbers, _
                xPWE.Uppercase, _
                xPWE.Lowercase, _
                xPWE.SpecialCharacter, _
                xPWE.Repeat4, _
End Sub
Based on the mentioned evaluation with percentage progress, I made a small revision and now organized the output of the counts of the individual tests using a user-defined type.
Public Type PWElements
    LenPW As Long
    Numbers As Long
    Uppercase As Long
    Lowercase As Long
    SpecialCharacter As Long
    Repeat4 As Long
    Consecutive4 As Long
End Type

Public Function TestPassword(sPW As String) As PWElements
    Dim bytArrPW() As Byte
    Dim sDiff() As String
    Dim lCount As Long
    Dim sSeries As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim lNumber As Long
    Dim lUppercase As Long
    Dim lLowercase As Long
    Dim lSpecialCharacter As Long
    Dim myPWE As PWElements

    bytArrPW() = StrConv(sPW, vbFromUnicode)
    lCount = UBound(bytArrPW)
    ReDim sDiff(lCount)
    For i = 0 To lCount
        Select Case bytArrPW(i)
            Case 48 To 57
                lNumber = lNumber + 1
            Case 65 To 90
                lUppercase = lUppercase + 1
            Case 97 To 122
                lLowercase = lLowercase + 1
            Case 33 To 47, 58 To 64, 91 To 96
                lSpecialCharacter = lSpecialCharacter + 1
        End Select
    myPWE.LenPW = Len(sPW)
    myPWE.Numbers = lNumber
    myPWE.Uppercase = lUppercase
    myPWE.Lowercase = lLowercase
    myPWE.SpecialCharacter = lSpecialCharacter

    For i = 1 To lCount
        sDiff(i) = CLng(bytArrPW(i)) - CLng(bytArrPW(i - 1))
    sSeries = Join(sDiff, "|")

    myPWE.Repeat4 = UBound(Split(sSeries, "0|0|0|"))
    myPWE.Consecutive4 = UBound(Split(sSeries, "1|1|1|"))

    TestPassword = myPWE

End Function
Sub call_TestPW()
    Dim xPWE As PWElements
    xPWE = TestPassword("<TaaaaB2345%d@x")
    Debug.Print xPWE.LenPW, _
                xPWE.Numbers, _
                xPWE.Uppercase, _
                xPWE.Lowercase, _
                xPWE.SpecialCharacter, _
                xPWE.Repeat4, _
End Sub

I think this is very clear and easily expandable for additional tests.
@ebs17 is this correct?


No, I think this shortening of the evaluation is not permissible.

If you change the function's return to an array, you could work in the direction shown, since a one-dimensional array is a collection.
Public Function TestPassword(sPW As String) As Variant
   Dim lArr(6) As Long
   ' ...
   lArr(0) = Len(sPW)
   ' ...
   TestPassword = lArr
End Function

' ----------------------------------------------------

In this use, however, you have your own function call for each value display, which is less efficient if it is repeated several times.
This is a little more direct, but less speaking. You have to know the index of the collection here, before it was a name of the element.

In #25 I showed the output as a string. Additional information to explain the values could be built into the string. Then you just have to reevaluate it.
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Been making some real progress with everyone's help. Just a quick demo i made to test the function.
Minimum 10 characters, minimum 2 Upper, 2 Lower, 1 Special Character, No Sequencing or Repeat within 4 block, no commonly used passwords. My progress bar works... Now need to tidy the code up and implement into my user form.


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