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This is what It appears running code on post #20

Looking at the original code, that syntax says there is a function called PropertyType that takes a single argument, probably either INTEGER or LONG (I can't tell which one from what is shown). A search found a built-in function called VarType and that is the closest I can come to the name being called out. I would say "search for it" but it is already telling me it isn't defined AND my search suggests it isn't a built-in function.

@Gasman - you supplied the code in post #20. Can you explain the origin and use of function PropertyType?
@Gasman - you supplied the code in post #20. Can you explain the origin and use of function PropertyType?
Sorry Doc, No. I had it a while and remembered.
I was trying to put it into another DB and got an error for the PropertyType and I think that is due to a reference error, but not sure which reference it would be. :(.

OK. My bad. It is actually a UDF :(

Function PropertyType(intType As Integer) As String

   Select Case intType
      Case dbBoolean
         PropertyType = "dbBoolean"
      Case dbByte
         PropertyType = "dbByte"
      Case dbInteger
         PropertyType = "dbInteger"
      Case dbLong
         PropertyType = "dbLong"
      Case dbCurrency
         PropertyType = "dbCurrency"
      Case dbSingle
         PropertyType = "dbSingle"
      Case dbDouble
         PropertyType = "dbDouble"
      Case dbDate
         PropertyType = "dbDate"
      Case dbText
         PropertyType = "dbText"
      Case dbLongBinary
         PropertyType = "dbLongBinary"
      Case dbMemo
         PropertyType = "dbMemo"
      Case dbGUID
         PropertyType = "dbGUID"
      Case Else
         PropertyType = "Unknown:" & intType
   End Select

End Function

This is what you get when it runs with that added function.

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