disabling properties function

bone head

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 22:33
Feb 11, 2002
Hi Just a quicky how do you disable the properties so that unauthorised people can not tamper with the database.

reason being i have set up button which opens up a form but requires a password to do so.

however this is a bit pointless if all a knowledgeble user needs to do is right click and see properties where they would be able to gain access to the password, by reading the code.

Many thanks
What else are you doing to limit the users ability to access the "innards" of your db? Are you hiding the menu bar and tool bars? Are you hiding the database window? Have you disabled the Shift key?

Check out the "Startup" options for you can disable a lot of the users abilities to get inside of your db.

Using Access security (workgroups and permission's) will limit what the user can do.

I suggest that you search this forum for some of the key words I typed above for more info on how to limit the users "access".

As always, make a backup of your db before you start messing with the above!

Check this old standard that I regularly post...

'The below code will disable (hide) all menu bars and tool bars.
'Ensure that you have a way to enable (unhide) the menu bars
'and tool bars (transparent command button) before you hide them!

'this will disable all menu bars and tool bars
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To CommandBars.Count
CommandBars(i).Enabled = False
Next i

'this will enable all menu bars and tool bars
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To CommandBars.Count
CommandBars(i).Enabled = True
Next i

'An added bonus is the right click option is disabled if the menu bars are disabled with the above code.

'Use the 'ShowToolbar' command if you need to display a tool bar or menu bar...
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "YourToolBarNameHere", acToolbarYes

'This will hide a tool bar or menu bar when needed...
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "YourToolBarNameHere", acToolbarNo

'This will hide the Menu Bar...
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Menu Bar", acToolbarNo

'You can also hide/unhide the database window with code...

'Hide the database window
DoCmd.SelectObject acTable, , True
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWindowHide

'Unhide the database window
DoCmd.SelectObject acTable, , True

Many thanks

I have disabled most options like menue bars however still have the Shift key enabled, as will this not stop me also getting into the database?

I would dearly love to use group security settings, this would indeed make my life so much easier.

However I am using the database on a company NT server which posses problems I believe

I did do this when i first set up the database, and managed to block access to everyone else to get into their database in the whole company, as i somehow set myself as Admin for all databases on the mainframe.

As you can imagine I was extreamly popular in the company and even though Computer suport inform me this function has been disabled, am not sure if i can use group settings etc, as this uses a file in the windows directory i believe which i do not have access to. Plus the fact i am scared of cocking up the whole system again.

Any advice on this would be apprieciated


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