I can't remember who I am quoting but some pundit (and I paraphrase) said, " If you give up freedom for security, you will end up with neither"
TSA and how it operates gives the illusion of security as do masks and the vaccine. Some things provide real safety like breaks and seatbelts. After the CIA and other nameless agencies were caught flat-footed on 9/11, the government felt the need to "do something". So they came up with the TSA and the "patriot" act.
I'm a systems analyst and understand how manual systems can be efficient or not. The TSA could serve a useful function. In its present incarnation, it is sloppy and inefficient and makes going through an airport an unpleasant experience for no actual gain. They could do the same job with much more efficiency and much less intrusion into our privacy and far fewer people and therefore less of MY money by changing their procedures. The vast majority of people who travel are just that - people trying to get some place. The number of people looking to do us harm is miniscule. Don't punish the travelers as you look for the bad guys.