Display data differently


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Today, 18:11
Dec 2, 2010
Hi all
I have a report which displays a 14 wk plan on one page, two rows of days in the fields D0 - D97 of its detail section (populated via a date expression in a crosstab query). I now need a similar report to display slightly different if half days exist (new feature of the system). I want the first 7 weeks to appear on page one with one row of AM data and one row of PM data and the next 7 weeks to appear in two rows on Page 2. I have created the query and included the TimeFrame field to give me the two records (AM and PM), but currently it display 14 weeks on Page 1 of the AM records and 14 weeks on Page 2 of the PM records. I have tried to play with the header/footer grouping to get this right to no avail - is this possible please without resorting to two reports? Thanks...
Create 1 main report and then create and insert two sub reports which represent the groupings you want.
Still two reports then but placed in the one main report as subreports so it looks like one report to the end user. This works thanks, I have just had to spend a while changing the labels for each date heading in report2 as they all had as part of an expression Date1 (D0) which didn't exist in this report any more, I basically put D0-48 in report1 and D49-D97 in report2. Cheers
Ah! Not quite right it turns out. I didn't notice before the report produced 4 pages instead of 2. The subreports individually (i.e. when run seperately) produce only one page each as desired, I think it must be because the two subreports in the main report use the same Recoursource that it is duplicating the data?
Your main report is only a container for the two subreports so you do not need a recordsource for the main report.
doh!! Sorry I knew that but you are correct, I had the RS specified in the main report too which I hadn't realised - I'm blame my pregnancy brain at the mo :-). Thanks again!!

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