Displaying multiple linked images in a report. (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Today, 09:40
Jul 30, 2013
Good morning/evening all.

I've been following this tutorial:

Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only,              without warranty either expressed or implied. This includes, but is not limited              to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular              purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming              language that is being demonstrated and with the tools that are used to create              and to debug procedures. Microsoft support engineers can help explain the              functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these              examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your              specific requirements.            [B]Creating the table to store file and path data[/B]

[*]Open the sample database, Northwind.mdb, or the sample                 project, NorthwindCS.adp.
[*]Create the following table either in Northwind.mdb or in                 NorthwindCS.adp. 

 In Northwind.mdb:    Table: tblImage    ----------------------------    Field Name: ImageID    Data Type: AutoNumber    Indexed: Yes (No Duplicates)     Field Name: txtImageName    Data Type: Text     Table Properties: tblImage    --------------------------    PrimaryKey: ImageID                         

 In NorthwindCS.adp:   Table: tblImage    -----------------------    Column Name: ImageID    Datatype: Int    Allow Nulls: Unchecked    Identity: Yes     Column Name: txtImageName    Datatype: varchar     Table Properties: ImageTable    -------------------------------    Primary Key Constraint: ImageID
[*]Open the tblImage table in Datasheet view, and then add the                 path and name of a bitmap file to each record. The following table of examples                 shows how the records might look:-------------------------------------------------------------- | Type                 | Example                             | -------------------------------------------------------------- | Absolute (Local)     | C:\Windows\Zapotec.bmp              | | Absolute (UNC Path)  | \\Servername\sharename\Zapotec.bmp  | | Relative             | Zapotec.bmp                         | --------------------------------------------------------------
[B]Creating the custom function[/B]

[*]Create a new module, and then paste or type the following                 code:Option Compare Database Option Explicit  Public Function DisplayImage(ctlImageControl As Control, strImagePath As Variant) As String On Error GoTo Err_DisplayImage  Dim strResult As String Dim strDatabasePath As String Dim intSlashLocation As Integer  With ctlImageControl     If IsNull(strImagePath) Then         .Visible = False         strResult = "No image name specified."     Else         If InStr(1, strImagePath, "\") = 0 Then             ' Path is relative             strDatabasePath = CurrentProject.FullName             intSlashLocation = InStrRev(strDatabasePath, "\", Len(strDatabasePath))             strDatabasePath = Left(strDatabasePath, intSlashLocation)             strImagePath = strDatabasePath & strImagePath         End If         .Visible = True         .Picture = strImagePath         strResult = "Image found and displayed."     End If End With      Exit_DisplayImage:     DisplayImage = strResult     Exit Function  Err_DisplayImage:     Select Case Err.Number         Case 2220       ' Can't find the picture.             ctlImageControl.Visible = False             strResult = "Can't find image in the specified name."             Resume Exit_DisplayImage:         Case Else       ' Some other error.             MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description             strResult = "An error occurred displaying image."             Resume Exit_DisplayImage:     End Select End Function
[*]Save the module as                 Module1.
[B]Using the custom function in a form[/B]

[*]Create the following new form that is based on the tblImage                 table.    Form: frmImage    ----------------------    Caption: Image Form    RecordSource: tblImage     Image Control    ---------------------------------    Name: ImageFrame    Picture: "C:\Windows\Zapotec.bmp"     Text box    ----------------------    Name: txtImageID    ControlSource: ImageID     Text box    ---------------------------    Name: txtImageName    ControlSource: txtImageName     Text box    ---------------------------    Name: txtImageNote    ControlSource: <Blank>                         

[B]NOTE[/B]: If you do not want the path to appear in the form, you can set                 the [B]Visible[/B] property of the txtImageName control to [B]False[/B].
[*]On the [B]View[/B] menu, click [B]Code[/B], and then paste or type the following code:Option Compare Database Option Explicit  Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()     CallDisplayImage End Sub  Private Sub Form_Current()     CallDisplayImage End Sub  Private Sub txtImageName_AfterUpdate()     CallDisplayImage End Sub  Private Sub CallDisplayImage()     Me!txtImageNote = DisplayImage(Me!ImageFrame, Me!txtImageName) End Sub
[*]Open the frmImage form in Form view. Note that the form                 displays the corresponding bitmap for each record. If the txtImageName                 field is blank or if the image cannot be found, you receive appropriate                 messages instead of the image frame.
[B]Using the custom function in a report[/B]

[*]Create the following new report that is based on the                 ImageTable table.    Report: rptImage    ----------------------    Caption: Image Report    RecordSource: tblImage     Image Control    ---------------------------------    Name: ImageFrame    Picture: "C:\Windows\Zapotec.bmp"     Text box    ----------------------    Name: txtImageID    ControlSource: ImageID     Text box    ---------------------------    Name: txtImageName    ControlSource: txtImageName     Text box    ---------------------------    Name: txtImageNote    ControlSource: <Blank>                         

[B]NOTE[/B]: If you do not want the path to appear in the report, you can set                 the [B]Visible[/B] property of the txtImageName control to [B]False[/B].
[*]On the [B]View[/B] menu, click [B]Code[/B], and then paste or type the following code:Option Compare Database Option Explicit  Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)     Me!txtImageNote = DisplayImage(Me!ImageFrame, Me!txtImageName) End Sub
[*]Open the rptImage report in print preview. Note that the                 report displays the corresponding bitmap for each record. If the txtImageName                 field is blank or if the image cannot be found, you receive                 appropriate messages instead of the image frame.
Was simple enough to implement.

However I am having some trouble with having 2 different images appearing on a report.

I've attempted this by creating another table and linking to the same report as the first one has been.

This first image no the report continues to function correctly however I can't get a second one to appear. The text box with the image location is filled but the picture box remains empty.

I've played around with the code however really cannot find out how to make it work.

What I think it is to do with is the naming of the tables. The second table to get hold of the second image is named differently. I've tried accounting for this and cloning modules with new names but I've been unsuccessful.

I've followed the naming scheme given in the tutorial - except the second table has 2 as a suffix to every field/textbox/image etc.

  Table: tblImage1    ----------------------------    Field Name: ImageID    Data Type: AutoNumber    Indexed: Yes (No Duplicates)     Field Name: txtImageName    Data Type: Text     Table Properties: tblImage    --------------------------    PrimaryKey: ImageID
  Table: tblImage2    ----------------------------    Field Name: ImageID2    Data Type: AutoNumber    Indexed: Yes (No Duplicates)     Field Name: txtImageName2    Data Type: Text     Table Properties: tblImage2    --------------------------    PrimaryKey: ImageID
Module Code.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit  Public Function DisplayImage(ctlImageControl As Control, strImagePath As Variant) As String On Error GoTo Err_DisplayImage  Dim strResult As String Dim strDatabasePath As String Dim intSlashLocation As Integer  With ctlImageControl     If IsNull(strImagePath) Then         .Visible = False         strResult = "No image name specified."     Else         If InStr(1, strImagePath, "\") = 0 Then             ' Path is relative             strDatabasePath = CurrentProject.FullName             intSlashLocation = InStrRev(strDatabasePath, "\", Len(strDatabasePath))             strDatabasePath = Left(strDatabasePath, intSlashLocation)             strImagePath = strDatabasePath & strImagePath         End If         .Visible = True         .Picture = strImagePath         strResult = "Image found and displayed."     End If End With      Exit_DisplayImage:     DisplayImage = strResult     Exit Function  Err_DisplayImage:     Select Case Err.Number         Case 2220       ' Can't find the picture.             ctlImageControl.Visible = False             strResult = "Can't find image in the specified name."             Resume Exit_DisplayImage:         Case Else       ' Some other error.             MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description             strResult = "An error occurred displaying image."             Resume Exit_DisplayImage:     End Select End Function
Report: rptImage    ----------------------    Caption: Image Report    RecordSource: tblImage     Image Control    ---------------------------------    Name: ImageFrame    Picture: "C:\Windows\Zapotec.bmp"     Text box    ----------------------    Name: txtImageID    ControlSource: ImageID     Text box    ---------------------------    Name: txtImageName    ControlSource: txtImageName     Text box    ---------------------------    Name: txtImageNote    ControlSource: <Blank>
This would be the second setup.. same report here different fields.
Report: rptImage    ----------------------    Caption: Image Report    RecordSource: tblImage2     Image Control    ---------------------------------    Name: ImageFrame2    Picture: "C:\Windows\Zapotec.bmp"     Text box    ----------------------    Name: txtImageID2    ControlSource: ImageID2     Text box    ---------------------------    Name: txtImageName2    ControlSource: txtImageName2     Text box    ---------------------------    Name: txtImageNote2    ControlSource: <Blank>
Now this is the report VBA:

Option Compare Database Option Explicit  Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)     Me!txtImageNote = DisplayImage(Me!ImageFrame, Me!txtImageName) End Sub
As you can see I only add a suffix to the field names but adding that same suffix all over the VBA does not seem to be working.

Can anyone help me with this? It must be clashing but I can't get that second image working.

Thanks guys.

Poppa Smurf

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 18:40
Mar 21, 2008
Add the highlighted line of code, you are not calling DisplayImage for the second Image on your report.

Option Compare Database Option Explicit
Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
Me!txtImageNote = DisplayImage(Me!ImageFrame, Me!txtImageName)
Me!txtImageNote2 = DisplayImage(Me!ImageFrame, Me!txtImageName)
End Sub

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